
High-Flying Air Surfing Is Here

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item4b3-e1446507725429-260x334Members of the Perlan Project, sponsored by theAirbus Group, successfully launched an engineless plane in September, and the world of aviation is abuzz. The Perlan Project is a volunteer, non-profit endeavor whose members share the history-making goal of opening the world to new discoveries in high-altitude flight. Those working on the project hope to learn more about climate change and speed up space exploration.

In the true spirit of exploration, Perlan Mission 2 will push the boundaries of aviation development with implications on future aircraft performance and safety, especially as it operates without an engine and is operated by a crew at very high altitudes.

No-engine high flyer

The Perlan 2 glider is a pressurized sailplane designed to ride air currents. In some mountainous regions near the South and North poles, the height of those air currents can reach into the Earth’s stratosphere, which means the Perlan 2 can reach the outer edges of our atmosphere. The glider is expected to reach heights of 90,000 feet next year, and its flight speed at that altitude is more than 400 miles per hour.

Of course, air density at that height is less than 2% of what it is at sea level, so the two-person crew breathes pure oxygen through a system similar to what astronauts use in space.

Planetary implications

The new, engineless plane is operated in atmospheric conditions similar to those on Mars, which will provide valuable insight into how winged aircraft will operate in the atmosphere above the surface of that yet-to-be explored planet.

Closer to home, the Perlan 2 is designed to explore the edge of space without polluting the atmosphere it is designed to study. Specifically, data collected during use of the sailplane will increase our knowledge on several critical fronts, including:

  • Understanding weather changes
  • Predicting climate change
  • Diagnosing the ozone layer

The Perlan 2 will also have implications on the future of aviation. Many of the data researchers will collect on high-altitude weather phenomena they will encounter will inform aircraft developers about the performance and safety of planes in those conditions. This will be especially important as the commercial side of the aviation industry looks for ways to operate aircraft at higher altitudes.

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