Tag: National Business Aviation Association

Calling All New to BizAv: NBAA Mentors Newcomers, Senators Welcome Women

Business aviation is changing. It’s expanding reach both into a new brand of customer — not just the ultra-rich — as well as into more global markets. That’s good for the industry, but active pilots and maintenance crews aren’t able to presently meet the demand. To combat this issue, industry leaders at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) have created a mentorship program to guide individuals who are interested in business and private aviation, and congressional representatives are sponsoring initiatives to encourage more women to enter the field.

Mentorship program

Those at the NBAA have initiated phase one of a mentorship program for people desiring to explore opportunities in business aviation. Representatives from the NBAA’s Young Professionals Council created the program along with Domestic Operations and Business Aviation Management Committee members. The program matches industry veteran mentors with those interested in learning about the industry or current aviation professionals who want to further their careers.

  • Newcomers — NBAA members paired individuals from the first group into 20 teams according to their common interests and goals. The 20 mentees include college students starting their careers as well as mature individuals wanting to deepen their knowledge and experience or take a different path within the industry. One mentee is actually a company CEO who wants to learn more about business aviation.
  • Mentors — NBAA members chose mentors for these newcomers from a pool of candidates who expressed interest via membership surveys. Those in each matched pair sign a confidentiality agreement, decide how often they will meet, and set a specified end date so both parties understand it’s not a never-ending commitment.

Phase one will go through June of this year, after which the NBAA has scheduled a nine-month program to begin in September 2019. The group hopes to launch its full mentorship program in fall 2020.

A push for more women

NBAA members aren’t the only ones growing their ranks. With room for opportunity, the business aviation field is predominantly male: Only 6% of pilots, 2% of airline mechanics, and 26% of air traffic controllers are female. Those stats prompted lawmakers to sponsor initiatives to bring more women to the industry.

One bill, the Promoting Women in the Aviation Workforce Act of 2017, urges industry leaders to “explore all opportunities, including pilot training, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education, and mentorship programs, to encourage and support female students and aviators to pursue a career in aviation.” The bill calls for the FAA to sponsor a Women in Aviation Advisory Board and to explore ways to expand opportunities for women in the field.

In another initiative, lawmakers approved the creation of the Women in Aerospace Act. It allows several science agencies to open up grant opportunities to women. The bill also calls for NASA to prioritize recruiting and promoting qualified women and minorities who are underrepresented in fields such as aviation and aeronautics.

Growing diversity

The actions NBAA members and lawmakers are taking acknowledge the need to advance diversity in private and business aviation. These methods are meant to develop and sustain the interests of individuals aspiring to aviation careers, which could help the industry keep up with business aviation’s expanding role. These programs help promote collaboration and idea exchanges both within the individual programs and the wider business aviation community.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.

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National Business Aviation Association: What Does It Mean to Be a Member?

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA): You know it’s an important aviation organization that sponsors the NBAA-Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (BACE), the largest business aviation trade show in the world. But what benefits does it provide its members, and why should you consider joining as a private or business jet owner — or future owner?

A little history

The NBAA is a trade organization that supports the needs of business jet owners who depend on business and private aviation. It was founded in 1947 to protect private and business aviation interests. Private aviation interest surged soon after WWII: Business leaders were realizing the benefits of flying, and more and more personal operators were cropping up. Organizers understood they had to act quickly to protect the rights of and airspace for private and business aviators; thus, they formed the NBAA with 19 companies as charter members.

Throughout its history, the NBAA has stayed true to its founders’ goal of promoting private and business aviation interests. It has played a role in

  • airport improvements,
  • enhanced air traffic control regulations and weather reporting,
  • improved aircraft and aviation technologies,
  • important legislation in the best interests of business aviators, and much more.

Today, the organization has more than 10,000 member companies and has become more global in its scope. It now helps promote and protect aviation interests in the worldwide marketplace. It also provides products and services to those in the business and private aviation industry, including the NBAA-BACE.


NBAA membership

Membership is open to private and business jet owners — whether they own one or many — as well as members of companies involved in the business aviation industry, including aircraft manufacturers, pilots, maintenance professionals, flight operations team members, as well as suppliers and vendors. Levels of membership vary and determine dues and benefits. In addition, those who register their aircraft outside the U.S. can become affiliate members.

Members share their expertise on organizational initiatives with each other. They have opportunities to serve on various committees that address industry causes and concerns. They have access to information regarding industry issues as well as opportunities to advance their managerial skills and careers. Members also receive discounts on events, a free weekly newsletter and monthly trade magazine to stay informed on important news and technologies, as well as the backing of an organization whose members and leaders advocate for them locally and on a national level.

If you would like your organization to become a NBAA member or become one yourself, you or a representative of your business can simply fill out an application.

Standards and resources

The NBAA and its member companies are dedicated to making the skies safer for business aviation. The organization implemented its Flying Safety Award program to recognize outstanding safety records of member companies and their employees. It requires member companies and their pilots, maintenance workers, and others involved in aviation to undergo ongoing training and proficiency checks to help ensure the utmost safety.

To keep up with their training and stay on top of the latest regulations, requirements, technologies, equipment, and additional information related to business aviation, members have access to a vast array of resources. The NBAA website offers access to information, products, services, social media, podcasts, an events calendar, and a job board. Members can network with each other and gain instant access to expert knowledge, ask questions, and problem solve. They also receive discounts on services such as shipping and aeromedical services, certain events, business development services, as well as insurance and workers’ compensation plans.

The NBAA also maintains a member list and recommends you utilize expert services if you are looking to purchase a new or pre-owned jet. They can explain the acquisition process, help you find a good aircraft fit, and guide you through the purchase process, which can be daunting. By purchasing through a NBAA-endorsed member, you can be assured of a well-maintained aircraft, a fair price, and a relatively problem-free buying experience.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet.

You can reach our sales specialists today at sales@L-Lint.com, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.