Tag: Green aviation

Air Travel Co2 Emissions

ICAO Takes a Stand on Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Could the friendly skies become even friendlier? Members of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are certainly hoping so with their new emissions standards.

Green aviation is more than just a dream. Within our lifetime, it’ll likely become a reality. As other transportation modes get greener, those in the aviation industry are joining the search for solutions to rising carbon pollution.

The aviation industry contributes an estimated 5% of all greenhouse gases with the potential to grow to as much as 15%. Scientists believe greenhouse gases are a major contributing factor in overall global climate change. While commercial flights contribute the majority of gases, manufacturers are also working to make private aviation greener. In many ways, it’s easier to find alternative ways to propel smaller private jets than power larger crafts.

The ICAO Council adopted new standards for carbon dioxide emissions March 6, according to the ICAO article. The international standards will be applied to new aircraft designs beginning in 2020, or 2023 for aircraft already in production. Compliance is voluntary between 2021 and 2026 but mandatory beginning in 2027.

Will the ICAO need to adjust these standards for further reduction? It’s hard to tell at this point. The council is designed to keep things in control, but anticipated increases in the number of operational aircraft could make reaching a definitive conclusion difficult.

Environmental groups, however, find the measures woefully lacking. They want more strict standards because the plan doesn’t address emissions the aircraft currently in operation will produce.

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The impact on private jet owners should be minimal as long as they already own their jets. Those purchasing private jets prior to 2020 will basically be grandfathered in. However, many aircraft manufacturers support this initiative and are already implementing technology to lower carbon dioxide emissions.

Several years of study have already gone into this undertaking, and manufacturers have had plenty of time to begin necessary changes to attain compliance. According to the Engineering and Technology article, the International Air Transport Association, which represents more than 260 airlines, is ready and China, the United States, and Europe are all on board. The rest of the world will likely follow along.

A new greener and cleaner air travel and ownership age is beginning, and the entire world will likely benefit from these decisions and changes.

Contact the expert staff at L & L International if you plan to purchase or sell a private jet. Contact our sales staff at +1 (305) 754-3313, visit us online, or email sales@L-Lint.com.