Tag: climate change

Climate Change and BizAv: Planning for a Future of Inclement Weather

Climate change is more than a political debate topic. It’s a headwind many industries have to face, regardless of which side of the political aisle they fall on. Weather is changing. Instances of severe and inclement conditions become more frequent with each passing year. For those in the aviation industry, it’s a trend that can’t be ignored.

The problem with weather

It’s not a surprise when flights are grounded due to a blizzard or when gale-force winds cause delays. In fact, planning for these conditions has become routine thanks to predictive meteorological technologies. Unfortunately, as our capability to predict weather has improved, the unpredictability of weather has started to outpace it.

It’s easy to predict a snowstorm a few days off. It’s not as easy to predict temperatures so hot they bring an entire airport to a standstill! And things are only getting worse. Issues such as high-altitude icing from subzero temperatures and violent thunderstorms at cruising altitudes are grounding more aircraft by the year. Worse still, these upper-altitude weather anomalies demand in-flight adjustments, impacting everything from designated flight paths to total airtime.

It’s easy to think about severe weather as hurricanes and blizzards. For aviation, inclement weather is anything unpredictable — which, these days, is a lot.

Weather’s effects on flight, on the ground and in the air

Battling back against the headwinds of inclement weather means looking at where it most affects aviation. The lion’s share of problems come before a jet even leaves the runway. However, there are also weather-related setbacks that need consideration in-flight.

  • Uncertain high-altitude weather conditions may ground flights out of precaution or dictate new routes, displacing optimal logistics and making flying more expensive.
  • Thinner air due to changing climate makes it harder for aircraft to generate lift. This means reducing weight to fly accordingly or paying higher fuel costs to get airborne.
  • Rising temperatures put major restrictions on regional jets’ ability to function after takeoff. This is why 119-degree temperatures were able to ground aircraft in Phoenix.
  • Airports located at or below sea level, near a body of water, may experience flooding that grounds aircraft. See LaGuardia’s past troubles with flood waters.
  • High-altitude temperatures are changing, strengthening the jet stream. This means more turbulence and rockier travel when conditions are less than ideal.

The ripple effects of these problems spread ever-outward. They all result in inconveniences, higher costs, skewed logistics, and other such problems.

Keeping aviation ahead of the weather

Beating the many obstacles of inclement weather takes a two-pronged approach. First, the aviation industry needs to pitch in against global warming and climate change. Second, private fliers must find flexibility within the charter model.

Private jet owners can do their part. If available, using biofuels to reduce emissions is a simple first step. Flight sharing is another, to reduce the number of total charters. Finally, using pilots with experience in fuel saving plays a critical role in reducing emissions.

Climate change is bigger than the aviation industry, but it has tremendous bearing on its trajectory. Realizing the dire need to adapt to more severe and inclement weather anomalies will help private jet owners be more conscious. In addition, it will offer small comfort as they try to understand why their flight is grounded yet again, even if the skies appear clear.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.
CO2 emissions

BizAv Fights Back Against Climate Change

Over the past several decades, discussions about climate change and environmental protection have come to the forefront of public discussion. Everyone from the academic community to legislators at the highest levels of power are voicing concerns about climate change and its future effects. Today, leaders in the BizAv industry are working to create solutions that reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and promote sustainable industry growth.

Initiatives to reduce business aviation’s carbon footprint

Business aviation’s carbon footprint has been a conversation topic for decades, but concerted efforts to curb emissions have come about primarily over the past ten years. In 2009, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, along with other industry leaders, committed to making improvements that would make carbon-neutral growth in the industry possible by 2020.

Several environmental concerns are associated with business aviation. Organizations and businesses in the industry are taking different approaches to solve problems and reduce aviation’s carbon footprint. No single solution will address all the efficiency issues plaguing the industry, but the collaborative efforts by leaders across business aviation will promote progress toward sustainability.

Alternative fuels

Because of the level of power that’s needed to sustain flight while carrying passengers over long distances, jets consume a significant amount of fossil fuel. Due to the energy needs of aircraft, solar and electric power aircraft aren’t yet a viable option and likely won’t be for decades.

algae fuel biofuel

As aircraft consume fuel in the air, they emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. To mitigate the emissions produced by jets, many researchers have begun investigating alternative fuel sources. Some researchers have also created synthetic jet fuels made from sustainable sources. Research into synthetic fuel options supports the entire aviation industry, and new solutions are continually being explored to reduce emissions from fuel burning.

Sustainable manufacturing

While alternative fuel sources for aircraft are still decades away from widespread implementation, changes are already taking place in manufacturing. Manufacturers are finding innovative ways to create aircraft with lighter frames that use fuel much more efficiently.

In addition, focus has shifted to sustainable manufacturing practices and efficient manufacturing facilities. Many of the most prominent jet manufacturers have raised their standards and streamlined their processes to ensure efficiency.

Efficient traffic management

Along with infrastructure and technological improvements within the BizAv industry, education for aircraft operators has also improved in recent years. Aircraft operators monitor fuel consumption and efficiency with regard to almost every aspect of the flight, including reducing unnecessary payload and planning flights according to efficient practices.

The business aviation industry has come a long way in the past ten years, but we still have a long way to go in the fight against climate change. There’s no telling where new technologies, methods, and practices will take us — but the industry is moving toward a more sustainable future.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at sales@L-Lint.com, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.