
Fly Safely and Comfortably this Holiday with 6 Travel Tips

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ThinkstockPhotos-526116231-260x390Fly Safely and Comfortably this Holiday with 6 Travel Tips

As 2015 comes to a close and we look forward to our holiday travel plans, these helpful tips can make flying easier and more comfortable.

  1. Plan for weather disruptions. Weather can disrupt all kinds of travel plans, from getting to the airport all the way to creating havoc out of flight patterns. Understand this and have a backup plan or two in your pocket, and the disruptions won’t be as uncomfortable.
  2. Dress for comfort with style. While comfort is important on a flight, so is style. Carolina Herrera,in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, said her greatest fashion pet peeve is “… how people dress at the airport. It’s terrible. You know, if you dress up at the airport you will actually be taken care of perfectly. You’ll be the one who the stewards look after the most.”
  3. Pack for everything from meetings to parties. If you know where you’re going ahead of time, you can pack accordingly — but be prepared for a range of events, from business meetings to parties and evening soirees. The holidays are a time of connecting and magic, but it wouldn’t be the holiday season without a few surprise encounters.
  4. Arrive with a lovely gift for the host or hostess. This is especially true if you are a guest on a private flight. The exception to this rule is if the flight is a business trip shared with colleagues. Otherwise, a thoughtful gift of chocolates or a personalized item tells the host or hostess you appreciate the invitation and are respectful of their efforts.
  5. Be on time and be polite. You never want to be the one to cause a late start, so be on time. Smile, say “thank you,” and make eye contact to let those around you know that you care and appreciate their actions.
  6. Plan carefully if you are taking children and pets along. It’s a great time to take the children and pets with, but it’s important to keep them calm and comfortable while in flight. Smaller pets should be in a carrier that is connected to a seat belt during takeoff and landing, rather than blocking the aisle. The safest way for large dots to fly is with a body harness, not a collar.If you’re flying with small children, the stroller can often go straight onto the jet, giving you the freedom to keep the child comfortable and secure while you find your seat and put things away. Bring the safety seat you’d use in a car for children 2 years and younger. It’s great to introduce kids to flying early so they are better flyers later!

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1.305.754.3313, or visit us online.

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