
5G Continues To Cause Problems for Private Aviation

To say the transition to 5G telecom networks has been messy is an understatement, especially when it comes to the coexistence of 5G and aviation. Potential interference of 5G with airplane altimeters — a critical system in aircraft takeoff and approach — could create dangerous challenges for pilots, but there’s no real plan for enabling 5G while simultaneously protecting planes.

For the time being, the only solution is a stopgap: Major carriers won’t roll out 5G networks in proximity to airports, and the FAA and FCC will work together to protect planes from C-band interference.

The 5G conundrum

Interference isn’t a new problem for 5G. Even before the earliest networks began to take shape, the FAA warned heavy activity on the C-band of the wireless spectrum could interfere with critical avionics — namely, altimeters. According to an FAA report issued in 2020, noise from commercial 5G networks could cause a significant range of problems for altimeter function.

Altimeter receivers operate in the 4.2GHz to 4.4GHz range on the radio frequency spectrum. This is almost directly adjacent to the range of 5G mobile networks: 3.7GHz to 3.98GHz, which creates the potential for crossover interference in urban areas where bandwidth is quickly saturated.

The crux of the problem is a disagreement over responsibility. Telecoms and the FCC continue to push for rollout, citing what they call an overreaction on the part of the FAA. Meanwhile, the FAA believes the burden of mitigating potential interference falls to telecoms. The two sides remain deadlocked, which continues to push near-airport 5G rollouts further and further back.

What’s the solution?

It’s not as if there’s no solution to safeguarding altimeters and continuing the expansion of 5G coverage. In fact, there’s already precedent for mitigating potential C-band noise. France has created a 5G buffer zone around the approach points at major airports. England has also worked to filter noise from C-band congestion around airports. Major telecoms contend this is the path forward for U.S. airports where interference is a concern.

“We are frustrated by the FAA’s inability to do what nearly 40 countries have done, which is to safely deploy 5G technology without disrupting aviation services,” said an AT&T spokesman. This, after executives from Airbus and Boeing sent letters to Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg voicing concerns about the aggressive rollout of 5G networks.

While there are several solutions for safeguarding airports, clearing the first hurdle means delegating responsibility. Whose job is it to create a C-band safety buffer? Until it’s someone’s job, it’s everyone’s problem.

Private aviation has more at stake

While much of the concern about 5G interference centers on commercial aviation, private aviation faces an additional set of problems. Private jets face the same risk of altimeter interference, and it’s up to every individual jet owner to comply with the FAA’s airworthiness directive to get altimeter approval. The potential for chaos is akin to the prospect of herding cats.

More than half of regional fleets, and a substantially larger segment of private aviation, either aren’t cleared to operate in 5G areas or have limited clearance. Until private jet owners and regional fleets upgrade, they risk running into the interference outlined by the FAA. And while complying with the 5G-related airworthiness directive is simple enough, it’s still up to every jet owner to take action.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at (305) 754-3313.

Is 2022 the Year of the eVTOL?

Every week, there’s a new and innovative eVTOL hitting the front page of aviation news. Designs are getting more imaginative, but it’s beginning to feel like we may never see a true rollout. Many analysts pegged 2020 as the year for trial runs and the early stages of urban air travel, but the pandemic quickly derailed their hope. Two years later, eVTOLs are still nowhere in sight. Will we ever see them in the skies?

Always the “next big thing”

In 2018, analysts at Morgan Stanley called eVTOLs the “next big market” and heralded autonomous flight as an impending disruptor of urban transportation. These same analysts pegged the market for autonomous flight at $1.5 trillion by 2040. And while value of this magnitude takes time to build, the eVTOL market feels as though it’s barely moved in the last four years.

In 2018, there were as many as 150 companies with active eVTOL projects. Today, there are more than 200, and the landscape has changed dramatically. The sector has become a proving ground for venture-backed companies, traditional aviation spinoffs, and even pet projects for billionaires. But to date, few have accomplished more than cursory test flights.

Challenges impeding the path to market

The struggle of eVTOLs to get off the ground is not for lack of trying. In fact, while most manufacturers continue to play their innovation cards close to the vest, reports claim a handful of companies are ready for viable deployment. What’s holding them back?

  • Regulation. By far the biggest challenge to overcome before eVTOLs fly is regulation. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is working toward regulatory frameworks for eVTOLs, but these vehicles are unprecedented, which makes them subject to stringent requirements and intense scrutiny.
  • Infrastructure. Where will eVTOLs take off and land? The infrastructure for these urban air vehicles does not yet exist. Existing helipads are an option, but they’re currently too few and far between for a viable rollout. Parking garage rooftops appear to be the best answer so far.
  • Technology. The technology for eVTOLs is robust and impressive, but it’s not yet perfect. Many manufacturers still rely on developing tech to power their craft. And technology will continue to improve over time, which means manufacturers must ensure their craft stay current and compliant even after rollout.
  • Environment. There’s little-to-no understanding of the environmental impact eVTOLs might have. In this age of increasing environmental awareness, we won’t see eVTOLs in the sky until there’s a clear understanding of their environmental effect.

There’s also public sentiment to consider. Will people trust in eVTOL technology as it stands today? Manufacturers seem to think not, which is why they’re holding back deployments until some of these challenges are resolved.

Will we see eVTOLs in 2022?

It’s not likely; 2025 looks to be a more realistic date. Indications from leading manufacturers, such as Joby Aviation, Archer Aviation, Volocopter, and Vertical Aerospace are that commercial flight tests could begin in earnest by 2025.

While eVTOLs continue to be “the next big thing,” the timeline for their arrival is shrinking. With the major players defining themselves and known obstacles receiving due attention from industry problem-solvers, we may be just a few years away from a meaningful launch that could change the trajectory of private aviation forever.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Textron Begins Rollout of its eAviation Division

While it’s common knowledge that most forefront airframe makers and avionics companies are investing in electric vehicles behind closed doors, Textron has chosen to make its emphasis on these craft public. In March 2021, the company officially announced the rollout of its eAviation division. This isn’t a surprise to anyone following the company’s work on the Nexus air taxi and Autonomous Pod Transport (APT) designs, but it is a signal that big things could be coming to the electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) market later this year or in the coming year.

A prevailing focus on eVTOLs

Textron is best known in private aviation for its highly successful Cessna Citation jets; however, the company is much larger and more diverse. It also operates Bell and Textron Systems — wholly owned subsidiaries with technologies that run parallel to its aviation division. Now, it’s adding an eAviation division into the fold.

In a conversation with AINonline, Textron Senior Executive Rob Scholl explained the new division as a culmination of “the work across our aerospace and defense businesses to develop new opportunities and take advantage of our fixed-wing and rotorcraft expertise in emerging technologies.”

The decision to formally announce its focus on eVTOL craft comes at a time when the competitive market for these vehicles is clearer than ever.

Biding its time over the next 4 years

Textron is uniquely positioned to capitalize on eVTOLs. Not only does the company have broad experience across manned and unmanned vehicles, it also has strong government connections through its subsidiaries. With the recent announcement of a massive nationwide infrastructure plan by the Biden administration, Textron is looking ahead at a future where eVTOLs are part of the transportation network. In simpler terms: Air taxis are coming.

Textron has reiterated plainly that its new division isn’t in a hurry to push a product out to a still-developing market. In his conversation with AINonline, Scholl says, “I do think we have to be cautious here in terms of not getting too far out front of a regulatory environment that’s very uncertain to allow that business model to be successful.”

Thanks to its government connections and pipeline of technologies, Textron doesn’t need to be first to market. While other companies pave the way, Textron is content to capitalize on a market that’s expected to support many players. The eVTOL market could reach $4.2 billion by 2033.

Is an eVTOL market nearing?

It’s no secret that many eVTOL companies are ready to bring their craft to market. Even Textron could likely make a play at urban and regional eVTOLs with its Nexus air taxi and APT designs. What’s standing in the way?

Infrastructure and regulatory compliance are the two chief hurdles. Before Textron and other companies can ferry passengers from the Bronx to Queens or from Los Angeles to San Diego, they’ll need to jump through a myriad of hoops. Textron, like many others, is waiting for the first brave company to lay the go-to-market groundwork by clearing these hurdles. And, when some industrious startup finally takes the plunge, Textron will be close behind with its own polished eVTOL offering, courtesy of its new eAviation division.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.
Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Orders Are Already Rolling in for Supersonic Aircraft

Chatter about supersonic jets has been bubbling for years. Now, it appears that chatter has become a full-blown conversation — at least for NetJets and supersonic jet maker Aerion. The two recently sat down to ink an option deal for 20 supersonic jets, to make NetJets the first supersonic charter provider in the United States.

It’s the first trickle of many more deals to come as the prospect of supersonic jets becomes more real and charter companies seek to position themselves for a competitive advantage. The deal is more than a jumpstart to the supersonic race to the skies — it’s a vote of confidence that we’re not far from a future of supersonic flight.

An intriguing deal that goes beyond jets

NetJets has optioned 20 of Aerion’s AS2 supersonic jets, at a price tag of $120 million per craft. The deal, worth $2.4 billion, follows an identical order by NetJets competitor Flexjet, which means roughly half of Aerion’s current order backlog comes from the fractional jet market. It’s an interesting way to kick off the supersonic age, and one that suggests continued fractional jet popularity in the coming years.

What makes NetJets’ order unique are the peripherals of the deal. NetJets isn’t just ordering jets — they’re forming a full-on partnership with Aerion in a move to establish supersonic dominance. NetJets is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, as is FlightSafety International.

After inking the NetJets deal with Aerion, Berkshire Hathaway announced a supersonic flight training academy venture, aimed at preparing the next generation of pilots for supersonic travel. The kicker? The academy will be operated by FlightSafety International, at an Aerion-branded facility. It signals much deeper ties between the jet maker, Berkshire Hathaway, and its significant holdings in private aviation.

NetJets and Aerion will also explore an exclusive partnership that leverages Aerion Connect into the NetJets platform.

A big bet on supersonic

Fractional jet buy-in is just the first sign of an impending supersonic future. Aerion is one of several companies racing to get a supersonic jet into the skies — competitors include Boom Supersonic and Spike Aerospace, which will likely seek to follow Aerion’s lead in inking their own deals with prospective buyers.

With the opening of the Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor slated for 2023, supersonic airframe designers are up against a ticking clock to be the first to book test time in the skies. And while there are several jets in service that could easily break the sound barrier, fractional jet companies and other investors have their interests set on jets that can push toward the Mach 2 threshold.

Fractional jets stand to capture the future

There’s a reason fractional jet companies are first-in on the supersonic jets. There’s new market of people willing to forgo commercial transport for a flight that’s a fraction of the duration. With speeds as much as 50% faster than conventional commercial jets, fractional jet popularity could skyrocket early in the supersonic age. While competitors wait to get their hands on backlogged AS2 jets or similar models, NetJets and Flexjet stand to reap the benefits of being early adopters.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.
Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

The Age of “Boomless” Supersonic Jets is Nearing

Although their time in the sky was short-lived, supersonic jets have left a lasting legacy in the world of air travel. The one thing that stands out most, however, is exactly the thing aerospace manufacturers are trying to get rid of in the next wave of supersonic jets: the sonic boom. The boom was a major point of contention in supersonic travel that eventually forced these jets from the sky — and it’s been their biggest challenge in a return to the airways.

Now, thanks to new technology and unwavering innovation, we’re inching closer to a new era of supersonic air travel. The “boomless” age of supersonic jets is coming.

A new testing corridor

Before supersonic jets can return to the skies, manufacturers need to prove they can do it responsibly. The path to a boomless future is fruitless without the ability to test jets over meaningful distances in a practical setting. It’s why the Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor (SSTC) is so important.

The SSTC is the first real stretch of land jet owners can test supersonic technology over — until now, manufacturers like Aerion, Boom, and Spike were limited to testing over water. Aerion in particular stands to gain a tremendous foothold in the new supersonic future thanks to the SSTC, since its jet is the furthest into development. For others, land-based testing opportunities are right around the corner as the corridor becomes a reality.

Bye-bye, sonic boom

The question of how to eliminate the trademark sonic boom in supersonic aircraft has been the subject of much research and development in the two decades since they left the skies. Producers have explored everything from new fuels to jet engine technology. Today, different producers are busy testing proprietary technologies with promising results.

Aerion is alleviating the boom by channeling it skyward, instead of back toward the earth. Its AS2 test jet purportedly uses temperature inversion to reflect sonic booms into the atmosphere. Boom’s XB-1 will pave the way for its Overture jet, which is expected to use biofuels to achieve Mach 2.2 speeds at a boomless cruise altitude.

Interest in supersonic jets is booming

The prospect of boomless supersonic jets has never been closer and that’s a good thing, since demand for these craft is reaching a fever pitch. The ability for jet and engine manufacturers to turn the iconic boom into a whisper means a fast track to a supersonic future.

With multiple prototypes already set for testing and some of the largest manufacturers attuned to the needs of future supersonic jets, it won’t be long until subsonic private jets are yesterday’s news. Why spend seven hours flying from Chicago to London when you could do it in less than half the time? The only thing standing in the way of a supersonic future is the boom — and that’s quickly going the way of the dinosaur.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Could 5G Pose Trouble for Private Aviation in the Future?

Most people are excited for the rollout of 5G and the lightning-fast internet speeds that come along with it. But not everyone is jumping for joy. 5G means new bandwidth parameters for radio transmission and, unfortunately, there’s a potential for interference with this new bandwidth — specifically for avionics. The C-band frequencies up for auction to 5G providers could interfere with aircraft transmissions if left unchecked. It’s a problem that regulators are scrambling to address before it becomes a reality.

Aviation watchdog groups are speaking out

A whitepaper released by the RTCA goes into specific detail about how C-band mobile telecommunications used for 5G could easily cause significant interference for low range radar altimeter operations. The seriousness of this issue becomes quickly apparent as the whitepaper outlines potential disruptions not only to civil aircraft, but military craft as well.

The problem comes from the C-band’s proximity to frequencies used for avionics. Right now, potential 5G frequencies in the 3.7–3.98 GHz range are up for auction, likely to be purchased by telecom providers for the express purpose of expanding their 5G networks. This is extremely close to the 4.2-4.4 GHz frequency ranges used in aviation navigation. There’s concern that the buffer between these ranges isn’t enough to prevent 5G activity from skewing avionics readings.

The whitepaper goes on to detail exactly how severe this interference problem could become. Namely, wavelength disruption could be a catalyst for severe crashes during takeoff and landing, due to the inability of altimeters to function effectively. In a report by Business Insider, Terry McVenes, president of RTCA, says, “If left to go the way it is, our data shows very serious problems.”

The 5G conundrum

The simplest answer to protecting avionics from interference would seem to be restricting the auction of C-band spectrum to telecommunication companies. But therein lies the impasse. This segment of the spectrum is the only one suited to 5G communications. Moreover, it’s paramount for United States infrastructure to continue its rollout of 5G — not only to support increasing demand for telecom domestically, but to maintain leadership on the world stage. 5G is considered essential technology, making compromise hard to come by.

Not an unknown problem

The potential interference caused by 5G isn’t a new problem. In fact, aviation lobbyists approached congress with concerns about infringing bandwidth as far back as 2017. Avionics technologists in France have even gone so far as to slow the deployment of 5G around Nice and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airports until the matter can be studied further.

There’s been pushback against these concerns, however. Both the FCC and CTIA have been quick to dismiss interference fears, stating, “The test criteria that aviation created is more exacting than existing altimeter standards, and some tested altimeters, operating to manufacturer specifications, would not pass even without any external C-Band operations present,”

While this situation untangles itself, one thing remains certain: 5G isn’t going to be stopped. If there is indeed an issue of avionics interference, the burden of fixing it will likely fall to avionics manufacturers. We could be in for more tension as both sides push for control of the limited radio spectrum.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

5 Private Jets Built to Go the Distance

Looking to get from NYC to London? London to Moscow? Moscow to Beijing? No matter your departure or arrival city, you need a jet that’s going to take you the distance without a refueling hub or an unwanted stop. A nonstop flight is the pinnacle of convenience, affordability, and efficiency. You need a jet that’s built to go the distance. And while there’s no shortage of long-range jets out there, only a few have the range on them to cover large swaths of the globe in a single flight. Here’s a look at five long-range jets built to make the world a little bit smaller.

Boeing Business Jet 777X (11,645nm)

Boeing occupies the top two spots on this list, but almost by default. Its 777X business jet is more of a commercial craft than a private business jet, seating 75 passengers. Its range is nonetheless impressive, and it has the unique distinction of being able to fly between any two cities in the world without stopping to refuel. The Boeing Business Jet 777X is also massive. Its cabin measures an impressive 2,356-sq-ft, with a width of 19ft 7in.

Boeing Business Jet 787 (9,945nm)

The Boeing Business Jet 787 was designed as a commercial jet before moving into the private space. The jet offers close to 10,000nm in range and can fly for 17 hours straight before it needs to land and refuel. Nicknamed the “Dreamliner,” this jet makes comfort a priority in addition to range. Its cabin pressurizes at a lower altitude to improve flying comfort and reduce jet lag, and passengers are known for disembarking feeling rejuvenated at their destination.

Bombardier Global 8000 (9,000nm)

While significantly smaller than the Boeing jets on this list, the Bombardier Global 8000 is nonetheless a big-time aircraft with globetrotting range. At over 9,000nm, this jet can get you from Los Angeles to Dubai without the need for a stopover. More important, it’ll get you there at Mach .925! Bombardier’s Global 8000 is the preferred craft for international CEOs and ultra-high net worth individuals who want to cover the globe in a single bound. It’s quickly followed by the Bombardier Global 7000, which comes up short by just 500nm.

Rob Hodgkins

Gulfstream G650ER (7,500nm)

While the Bombardier Global 7000 is technically next on the list, we’re leapfrogging it in favor of the Gulfstream G650ER to bring some manufacturer diversity to this long-range jet profile. At 7,500nm, it’s perhaps the most efficient craft on this list, as well as one of the most comfortable. The craft’s range-to-speed ratio is one of the best on the market, allowing you to get from New York to Beijing in a single bound.

Dassault Falcon 8X (6,450nm)

Perhaps the most beautiful jet on this list, the Dassault Falcon 8X is a unique addition to this list because of its size. While most of the other jets listed are ultrawide-body or bizliners, the Falcon 8X has a long, yet sleek cabin that allows it to maximize fuel efficiency and perform at airports with steep approaches or shorter runways. This jet could soon be eclipsed by the newly announced Falcon 6X, however.

Every aircraft on this list makes it easy to jet around the globe without stopping. That said, it’s only a matter of time before there are new leaders in distance. The impending rise of supersonic craft will make the world smaller yet again, and engine technology is getting more efficient every day. It won’t be long until any destination around the globe is just a quick flight away.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Kansas is Getting a Supersonic Test Corridor

Demand for supersonic jets is growing. But before we see the likes of the Concorde in the skies again, we need a place to test the next generation of supersonic aircraft. It’s looking like that test site might very well be a 770-nm corridor in Kansas that runs from Garden City, KS to Pittsburg, KS.

The Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor (SSTC) is the result of a new agreement between the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and could be the testing grounds for Mach 3 aircraft as soon as 2024.

Supersonic test ground

Supersonic flight has been possible for decades. Ultimately, however, a combination of factors like immense noise and environmental pollution conspired to kill the first foray into supersonic jets. Today, several companies hope to resurrect the supersonic jet as a quieter, more environmentally friendly offering.

The deal struck between the FAA and the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) offers a way for supersonic developers to test their planes in a controlled, supervised environment. Observers from the FAA, KDOT and various industry and academic groups like Wichita State University’s National Institute of Aviation Research will monitor flights, collect noise data, and plot the road ahead for supersonic flight.

Supersonic contenders like Aerion’s AS2, Boom’s XB-1, and Lockheed Martin’s X-59 will be among the first to break in the new corridor as these aviation leaders scramble to bring their jet to market quicker than the competition.

A host of new ideas

Besides testing individual supersonic jets and their speeds, the SSTC will provide room for companies to experiment with burgeoning technology. NASA and Lockheed Martin will use the SSTC to test their so-called “quiet” supersonic technology. Aerion, the developer of the AS2, hopes to test their Boom Cruise technology, which disperses the ill effects of a sonic boom before they reach the ground.

Celebrating the decision, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association president and CEO Pete Bunce declared:

“The Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor will assist in the assessment of sound mitigating structural and engine designs as well as state of the art atmospheric acoustic modeling that eliminates the sonic boom and shapes the noise signature of an aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound to a very low volume rumble. The validation of these technological breakthroughs through the use of sophisticated ground acoustic and telemetry sensors will provide the necessary data to assist global regulators and policymakers in modernizing supersonic flight policies.”

More than going fast, supersonic jet makers of the future are working hard to be responsible in achieving these speeds. The Kansas corridor allows them to experiment with their responsible technology.

One leap forward

When the world’s most famous supersonic jet, the Concorde, made flights, travelers relished the speed. They also complained that it was noisy and uncomfortable. The sonic boom wasn’t just loud inside the jet. The tremors it created could be felt on the ground. Those undeniable drawbacks eventually saw the end of the Concorde and supersonic jets like it. The SSTC represents a ray of hope for people still awed by the magic of supersonic flight.

When it is in full swing, the SSTC will provide a means of testing and developing bold advances in the field of supersonic flight. Best of all, the joint effort allows regulators a way to control the potential harm the rebirth of supersonic flight may have otherwise caused. It’s a win-win all around.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

The Future of Regional Aviation Might Not Have a Fuselage

When we think of jets, most of us picture the same typical airframe. Wings, empennage, cockpit, engines, and a fuselage are all basic building blocks. But what if you took away, say, the fuselage? What kind of jet would it be? It’s hard for most people to imagine a plane that looks so different or one that’s even airworthy. But the fact is, flying wings have been around for a long time, and they might get their due in private aviation sooner than you think!


The constant search for innovation

Aircraft manufacturers are pushing the envelope for upcoming jet designs. Passengers need to arrive at their destination faster, so they’re creating models that are efficient. Manufacturers also are hopping on the sustainability trend, which means electric and hybrid drives are in the near future. To achieve an efficient, sustainable aircraft, innovators are beginning to delve into new territory.

Flying wings have been around since the 1900’s but remain widely unused in the private aviation industry — until now. Horten is test flying their HX-2, which has no fuselage and is all flying wing.

Benefits of flying wings

It’s bizarre to imagine jets without a fuselage. However, the private aviation industry is entertaining the idea. Horten’s HX-2 has low aerodynamic resistance due to the lack of a fuselage. Because of this, it can traverse greater distances in a shorter amount of time.

The HX-2 also has more room for propulsion technologies. The flying wing design is perfect for adding the anticipated hybrid drive that will make flying more eco-friendly. In short, flying wings like the HX-2 are key to making private aviation more efficient and sustainable. The HX-2 is still in its testing phase, so pilots must wait before they can get their hands on it. The anticipation is a good sign that they have a tangible place in the future of private aviation.


Why don’t airlines use flying wings?

Flying wing models began in the early 20th century but weren’t intended for commercial use. Different militaries had their own take on the flying wing, most being experiments that didn’t make the cut. In 1933, the USSR had the Stal-5 but abandoned the model due to poor stability. Likewise, the American N-1M was too heavy and underpowered to make it off the ground.

However, some commercial airlines attempted to get flying wings into the mainstream. In 2007, Boeing introduced the X-48 to airline passengers. People didn’t enjoy the plane’s internal design, so it became yet another military aircraft. But flying wings could make a comeback in the private aviation industry with Horten’s HX-2. It seats only two people right now, but the company plans to make it a multi-seated jet.

Flying wings aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing jet, but they’re highly efficient and sustainable. The aviation industry has been looking for ways to make jets eco-friendly, so we may see a rise in flying wings.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Touch-Screen Avionics: Is the Industry Ready?

These days, you can get into high-end automobiles that have dashboards comprised entirely of touch screens. Everything from the speedometer to the media player is digital. Get into the cockpit of a private jet and you’ll find much less of these digital devises. This isn’t to say avionics aren’t advanced, but the industry hasn’t quite adopted touch screens yet.

What’s the hold up? If the phones in our pockets and the computers we work on every day have touch screens, why not avionics? Proponents of more advanced avionics argue their benefits; however, some feel the industry isn’t quite ready for touch-screen-powered cockpits.

Those in favor of touch screens …

The call for touch-screen avionics seems like a no-brainer. For starters, the capabilities of any cockpit are instantly enhanced. Imagine pinch-to-zoom terrain maps or swipe screens for radar. The skills we’re all familiar with on smartphones and tablets instantly translate, making touch-screen cockpits intuitive and easy to learn — all while jamming more critical technology into a smaller space.

It’s about more than how pilots will interact with touch screens; it’s also about how they will not interact. Touch screens open the door for more automation and intelligent piloting technology, enabling pilots to do more by doing less.

There’s a huge customization factor in touch-screen technology. Static cockpits are fixed. It’s impossible to array controls in a way that best fit a pilot. With touch screens, the ability to arrange and optimize consoles becomes a reality. It’s a simple way to make the cockpit more familiar and easier to maneuver.

… versus those against them.

Those against touch-screen avionics have just as many arguments, with just as much validity. Chief among concerns is functionality. It’s hard to replace the utility of traditional knobs and switches — items that are easy to grip and toggle during turbulence, whereas tapping a touch screen is much harder. In the same vein, it’s easy to accidently tap and toggle a touch-screen versus a manual switch that requires force and registers action. Every knob and switch is unique, making it hard to replicate tactile feel in a touch screen.

There’s also pushback on the complexity of touch-screen avionics — in both form and function. When you hide maps, functions, data, and charts on a touch screen, they become less prevalent to a pilot. In a traditional cockpit, everything is front and center.

The cost of touch-screen avionics also makes them a touchy subject. Especially in smaller, more affordable aircraft, touch-screen avionics would inflate the price of a jet. Not only will this price out some would-be buyers and hobbyists, it would reset the market as aircraft makers race to create the most sophisticated cabin experience.

When will we see touch-screen avionics?

Touch-screen avionics aren’t a new concept. Companies like Garmin sell broad aftermarket upgrades for private aircraft of all types, and jet owners who prefer a digital cockpit already indulge in the upgraded experience. As for mainstream, stock touch-screen avionics? They’re not yet the standard for all jets, but can be acquired by the discerning pilot. We’re still a few years out from touch-screen avionics as the stock option, instead of the opt-in.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, call us anytime at +1 (305) 754-3313.