Industry News


Jet Maintenance Robots: Shaping the Future of BizAv Compliance and Safety?

In an era largely recognized as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, robotics is playing a pivotal role in making work easier. In nearly every industry, robots are performing repetitive tasks or complementing human workers in doing these jobs quicker, better, and at a lower cost.

In the aviation industry, engineers are designing and deploying robots of all types to make critical maintenance easier. Let’s take a look at a few of the tried and true robots in the field today and how they’re helping maintenance crews so jet owners can take to the skies with peace of mind.

Maintenance drones

Maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) drones were the first robots to take the field in the aviation maintenance industry. In 2015, unmanned aircraft developer Blue Bear Systems Research deployed a drone to thoroughly inspect the exterior of an airliner for inclement weather damage. Since then, several other MRO drone manufacturers have entered the market driving drone capabilities forward.

MRO drones work by flying predetermined paths around jets, using a high definition camera to show inspectors a crisp visual of the aircraft’s surface. Using drones has the potential to reduce inspection times from as long as six hours down to about two. This not only enables faster repairs but also repeatability in the inspection process.

The future of MRO drones is also exciting. Developers like Blue Bear and Output42 are aiming to create drone software that further maximizes inspection capabilities based on individual jet types. This includes prerecorded inspection flight paths and the ability to automatically detect damage, such as that from hail or bird strikes.

robot arm jet repair

Engine maintenance robots

A jet engine is a complicated mechanical engineering marvel and repairing one is no small task. Aside from being inherently complicated, jet engines are also totally enclosed and must be removed from jets for repairs and maintenance. Famed automaker and engine innovator Rolls Royce is looking to change this through the power of robotics.

In conjunction with the University of Nottingham and Harvard University, Rolls Royce has developed a series of swarm robots to tackle jet engine maintenance. Measuring just 10 millimeters in diameter, these robots are injected into a jet engine to provide visual feedback on the contents of the case and its many components.

Phase two of this initiative will involve a maintenance team installing a bore-blending robot within the engine and deploying it remotely for engine maintenance. Using remote controls, an inspection team will be able to execute minor maintenance without ever opening the engine compartment.

Other robotic assistants

As technologies continue to evolve in the robotics field, engineers are exploring more and more iterations of helper robots. Examples like Invert Robotics’ climber robot show the abilities of robots to adapt to jet maintenance crew needs, providing everything from terrain maneuvering assistance to high-definition video transmission.

Regardless of what form jet maintenance robots take or what service they’re able to provide, they’re reducing the time, cost, and margin of error for jet maintenance. Results are better inspection standards, more efficient maintenance, and safer jets extending to private and business aviation.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

How Are Tariffs Affecting the U.S. Private Jet Industry and China’s Burgeoning BizAv Market?

A fervor over trade between the United States and China has been rising since August 2017 when President Donald Trump originally signed a memorandum on China to target what he believes are a variety of unsavory business and trade practices. Now, almost exactly a year later, the president’s proposed tariffs are beginning to go into effect alongside China’s own retaliatory taxes. A trade war appears imminent, and it could have a major impact on private and business aviation in both countries.

Trade tension and aviation

High on the list of goods China taxed are aircraft — specifically aircraft weighing between 33,000 pounds and 99,000 pounds. A drastic tax hike of 25% on these larger jets includes Boeing’s 737: a bestseller to growing governments and individuals in countries seeking to improve their aviation capabilities, like China. Smaller private aircraft would also be subject to the tax, including Gulfstream’s G650 private jet.

In a nutshell, tariffs from both sides will likely make it more difficult for U.S. jet manufacturers to find international buyers while also making it more difficult for other countries to expand their aviation programs.

Unless the growing trade tensions between the U.S. and China deescalate, they could possibly shape the future of both the U.S. aviation manufacturing market and China’s burgeoning BizAv sector.

Impact on the private jet industry

Tariffs specifically aimed at the U.S. aviation industry are likely to hit manufacturers hard. In fact, U.S. trade data shows “the United States exported $15 billion worth of aircraft to China in 2016,” according to the Business Insider article.

As increased trade prices come down the pike, Boeing and other jet makers may be forced back to the negotiating table when it comes to prices or, worse, have customers suspend or cancel orders in the wake of inflated costs. China’s retaliatory tariffs on aviation represent a sizable barrier for international jet sales.

To make matters worse still, peripheral tariffs — particularly those on steel and aluminum — are weighing heavy on aircraft manufacturers. These tariffs could also hamper future orders within the private jet industry. According to an outlook report by Gulfstream, two of its upcoming models scheduled for delivery to China this year — the G500 and the G600 — fall directly into the taxed weight range. In fact, all Gulfstream models except the smallest, the G280, fall within the tariffed weight range.

How China’s BizAv sector could suffer

As the cost of jet production rises in the U.S., manufacturers often have no choice but to pass costs on to buyers. And, as China remains one of the largest U.S. jet purchasers, tariffs will likely come full circle.

As China looks within for answers to its growing demand for more jets, few answers make themselves apparent. State-owned aerospace manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) offers a C919 aircraft as an alternative to Boeing’s 737. However, it offers no real solutions to the demand for business or private jets. This, coupled with a lack of financing and difficulty establishing production supply chains, puts COMAC at a disadvantage from the get-go when it comes to fulfilling China’s high demand for aviation solutions at any scale.


All told, China’s inability to produce aircraft at scale domestically means it still relies heavily on U.S. manufacturers. With prices rising over tariff exchanges, China is being forced into a BizAv slowdown.

Where do we go from here?

It appears the simplest way to restore balance to both U.S. aircraft manufacturers and China is to end tariffs on both sides. However, until this becomes reality, aviation sector trade slowdowns seem inevitable. More prospective private jet owners may seek to invest in the used jet market, causing it to tighten further.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

3 Examples of the BizAv Internet of Things at Work

The Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding across industries as the prevalence of big data is allowing analysts to leverage information and improve just about every aspect of the way things work. Aviation is no exception. With so many variables involved in air travel, the IoT is paving the way for our understanding of optimization across the board.

Flight operational quality assurance (FOQA) programs are becoming more robust, relying heavily on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies to manage their broad scope. This has, in turn, led aviation insiders to adopt intelligent wireless access points (WAPs) and in-flight connectivity (IFC) in their jets. Together, this digitization of essential systems has opened the door for IoT in aviation.

3 examples of the BizAv IoT at work

Reliance on legacy systems and the capital-intensive nature of the industry as a whole have made IoT adoption slower in the BizAv field than in many others. However, many innovations are beginning to take hold. Here are just a few:

  1. Crew assistance — Fly-by-wire technologies have been in place since the 1970s and have dramatically improved flight safety and efficiency. However, pilot presence, which means making sure cockpit personnel have all the insights they need before, during, and after takeoff, is still invaluable.
  2. Big data maintenance — Another GE venture, Taleris™, is a company leveraging IoT technologies to vastly improve maintenance for jets of all types. One of a growing number of companies like it, Taleris utilizes a series of sensors and beacons throughout an aircraft’s many vital systems to collect and analyze data to minimize unscheduled maintenance and delays.
  3. Flight path optimization — Predetermined air corridors and flight paths offer certainty once a jet is in the air. But BizAv IoT tech is making it possible to safely adapt and adjust routes midflight. More than just air-to-ground communications, the IoT is enabling air-to-air data communication so pilots can anticipate and avoid intersection points, keeping jets safely in the air on the shortest possible trajectories to their locations.

And these are just the IoT innovations on the jets themselves! Smart airports and customer-facing technologies are moving the industry ever closer to interconnectivity where big data may someday optimize the entire private flying experience.

See a problem, solve a problem

As the industry broaches the cusp of BizAv IoT innovation, insiders may quickly realize the true power of big data insights. When they do, the floodgates could open for even broader adoption and innovation. Just as it’s doing for manufacturing, offices, and utilities, the IoT is bringing efficiency, accountability, and automation to aviation, improving existing fly-by-wire technologies and enabling insights throughout.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

HondaJet Announces Elite Light Business Jet

Founded in 2006, it was only two and a half years ago that HondaJet gained type certification for its first aircraft. However, the relative newness of the company has not hindered sales. The HondaJet has earned rave reviews and had the most sales of any jet in its class in 2017. Following hard on the heels of its success, the company announced its sophomore project — an upgraded business jet called the HondaJet Elite — in Geneva just before the 2018 European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) in May. It was here where attendees received the first look at the newly certified aircraft.


Extended range and enhanced cabin comforts

The new Elite achieves an extended range of 17% more than the original HondaJet model, which translates into a range of just over 1,430 nautical miles. This makes the aircraft capable of flying distances as great as those from Denver to New York City or Shanghai to Tokyo. Additionally, the press release touts a new “noise attenuating inlet structure” that lines the engines to cut down on high-frequency noise. The jet will also include some smaller luxuries, such as the industry’s first speaker-less in-cabin audio system, a galley with a coffeemaker, and a belted lavatory. The jet will be available in three different color schemes: Ice Blue, Ruby Red, and Monarch Orange.

Pilot benefits

The cabin and exterior are not the only parts of the HondaJet Elite to receive upgrades. Designers equipped the jet with the Garmin® G3000 avionics suite, which is highly automated for optimal safety. New features include automatic planning for performance, runway lengths, and gradients. The new interface also includes an angle of attack function to assist the pilot in maintaining stability. In fact, the whole Elite cockpit was designed to be comfortable, responsive, and intuitive.


Aptly named

As its name would suggest, the HondaJet Elite stands out among other similar business jets in many ways. The HondaJet Elite is the fastest and highest-flying jet in its class. It is also the quietest, emitting less noise pollution to protect the regions it flies over. Additionally, it boasts the highest fuel efficiency of all similar jets, making it more environmentally friendly and more economical to fly than its competitors. If previous HondaJet sales are any indication of the Elite’s success, the queue for orders is already growing.

While the HondaJet Elite is a smaller aircraft, this light jet is one of the smallest and most agile classes of private passenger aircraft. If you are in the market for a smaller luxurious aircraft, it could be hard to go wrong with this new arrival.

Unsure of the size or type of aircraft you need? A professional aircraft broker can help you through the process, ensuring you get the right jet for your needs. At L & L International, our expert jet brokers are available to assist you in purchasing the perfect jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us anytime at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Bombardier Introduces New Global 5500, 6500, and 7500

Bombardier has long been a leader in the private aircraft industry. For 50 years, the company has offered elite and innovative designs, ultimately creating one of the most comprehensive fleets in the industry. 2018 appears to be no different. In fact, Bombardier is celebrating the introduction of its three newest members: The Global 5500, 6500, and 7500. Each brings with it exclusive luxuries and top-notch technology.


Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect with each new jet.

  • Global 5500 — As the company announced in late spring of this year, Bombardier anticipates the Global 5500 to enter service in late 2019. Featuring brand-new Rolls-Royce Pearl engines, the jet boasts top-notch fuel efficiency and, in turn, a reduced environmental footprint. Promising to continue the Global’s reputation for a smooth ride and long range, the 5500 features the next-generation Global wings and has a range of up to 5,700 nautical miles, up from the 5,200-nautical–mile range of the Global 5000. The Vision Flight Deck boasts the first business aviation application of a combined vision system, integrating infrared and synthetic vision. As for the passenger experience, Bombardier has integrated cutting-edge technology, including the first 4K-enabled cabin and Ka-band technology, connecting passengers fast and keeping them in touch no matter where they are.
  • Global 6500 — Similar to the 5500 in many respects, the Global 6500 promises many of the features you would expect from a Global jet, including the same patented Nuage seats and 100% fresh air as the Global 5500. Additionally, the 6500 will also boast an increased range, with a reach of 6,600 nautical miles. It will have the ability to connect London to Hong Kong and is the farthest-reaching jet in its class. In addition to sharing the new safety, comfort, and efficiency technology of the 5500, the Global 6500 includes many added comforts. The new jet will have the widest cabin in its class, offer the first en-suite standing shower, and come fully equipped with new cabinets and appliances in the deluxe kitchen.
  • Global 7500 — Unlike the 5500 and 6500, which should enter into service in the latter part of 2019, the Global 7500 is making its way into the market this year. The largest and longest-range in the world, this model is a rebranding of the 7000, which debuted in November 2016. Bombardier announced this change after the jet’s flight tests revealed an unprecedented range of 8,861 miles, according to the Robb Report article. The 7500 will be the first jet with Bombardier’s much-anticipated Nuage seats and comes in a variety of floor plans and features four separate living spaces. Bombardier plans to begin delivery of the 7500s later this year, following FAA certification, and the Bombardier completion center in Montreal received delivery of the first customer-owned 7500 in June.

Bombardier has always been a reliable provider of cutting-edge private and business jets, and this year’s additions are no different. If you are in the market, these new aircraft models promise to be tops of their classes, and your options don’t end there. Bombardier jets include excellent options for every traveler and, with their history of quality, if you can’t wait for the release of these newest models, a preowned Bombardier could be a strong option for your next business or private jet.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring your private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at or call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Taking the Boom Out of Supersonic Flight

While supersonic flight is nothing new, the ability to travel faster than the speed of sound has been absent from the aviation industry for 15 years. Recently, however, jet industry insiders have renewed their interest in supersonic travel. But what’s been stopping them?

The greatest hindrances to supersonic flight are regulatory and economic. U.S. regulations prohibit supersonic flight over land because of the boom the planes create when they break the sound barrier. At the same time, the demise of the Concorde — the only successful commercial supersonic jet in history — was due in part to excessive operation costs. Despite these odds, select companies feel they can face these challenges with success in both commercial and business supersonic flight, and investors believe them.

Top contenders for the next generation of supersonic travel

Several companies are working to make supersonic jet travel a viable option. A California-based unit of Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor, received a $247.5 million NASA contract for Low Boom Flight Demonstration. Under this contract, the defense giant will build and test a supersonic aircraft called the X-plane. They expect the experimental design to bypass the sonic boom and, instead, make a sound only as loud as a car door closing. NASA hopes reducing the noise of supersonic travel will lead to changes in over-land travel bans and open the doors for supersonic routes across the U.S. Per the contract, Lockheed is scheduled to deliver the commissioned demonstration aircraft to NASA in 2021.

Other companies are boasting of tech developments that will surpass the Concorde in speed and cost efficiency. Tech startup Boom Supersonic has received more than 75 pre-orders for its supersonic passenger aircraft, the XB-1. The company claims the XB-1 will fly at up to Mach 2.2, more than twice the speed of sound and faster than any aircraft in history. Boom is also claiming that ticket prices will be comparable to today’s typical business class fares. The scheduled delivery for XB-1 jets is in 2023.


But could private jets beat them to it?

The business jet industry is also seeing new companies bring their designs to the table. One major competitor is Spike Aerospace, which is claiming that elite engineering and design will make its S-512 jet both fast and luxurious for the most discerning passengers. The S-512, like the XB-1 jet, is due on the market in 2023.


Another startup, Aerion Supersonic, is making big promises of its own. Aerion leaders have made it clear they intend to offer the first viable luxury supersonic jet on the market, though they set their release date for 2025.


Focusing on flights over the mainland

Most of the aviation experts behind these projects are looking toward flying the Concorde’s original overseas routes. However, the joint project between Lockheed Martin and NASA is coming at the issue from a different perspective. While the Low Boom Flight Demonstration contract has a longer and slower timeline, the goal is to create an aircraft that can fly at supersonic speeds without the disruptive sonic boom. The long-term plan for the X-plane includes flight tests over U.S. cities to monitor the noise levels it creates with the hope of eventually reopening the discussion of flights over land. This would be big news for the business jet world, introducing the possibility of flying from coast to coast in just a couple hours.

While the promise of supersonic flights in five years sounds tantalizing, experts are reticent to trust the timelines. At the same time, the financial and technological landscape looks promising for anyone hoping to travel faster than the speed of sound.

Are you looking for the best way to travel in the meantime? The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Cybersecurity: A Look at Today’s BizAv Threats

Today’s business jet owners as well as their crewmembers and passengers are demanding inflight connectivity rivaling that which they enjoy every day on the ground. Connectivity in the air is no longer considered a perk but, rather, a necessity. However, with increased connectivity comes the same security issues everyone everywhere is facing: Our data, communications, and networks are vulnerable to an increasing variety of threats and privacy issues.

Business aviation and internet security

At a recent Aero Club of Washington, D.C., meeting, Alan Pellegrini, president and CEO of Thales USA, manufacturer of electronic systems for aviation, told attendees that, the more connected aircraft become and the more devices that are added to this intricate web of connectivity, the more vulnerable our aircraft become to safety, security, and privacy threats. According to the Avionincs article, “There have already been hacks of aircraft and aviation-related systems, including in-flight entertainment systems, data communications between pilots and ground-based controllers, and airline operations systems that in one case in Europe caused flight cancellations.”

Disruptions in private aviation systems can and do have tremendous economic and social impacts. That’s why aviation has long been a target of terrorists. In fact, Russian hackers attempted to break into U.S. civilian aviation systems in 2017 as part of a larger attack on the electrical grid. While the attack did not escalate past early stages, it illustrates industry vulnerability.

One big trend in cybercriminals targeting business travelers is malicious actors gaining access to sensitive business information and using this inside information for illicit stock trading. In one incident, hackers compromised a hotel’s computer network and stole access codes as well as network credentials that allowed them to search for valuable business information.

In addition, cyberattacks on airborne private aircraft are already occurring, usually from attackers on the ground. And offering unsecured Wi-Fi to flight crewmembers and passengers can actually make this type of hacking easier due to hackers’ ability to connect as well.

Another complicating factor involves the implementation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment. While ADS-B is said to be the next generation of air traffic control technology, it compromises privacy by broadcasting unique International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) addresses and Flight IDs, making them available to those with the proper receivers. This is a reason some owners are resisting compliance with the ADS-B regulations, which will be mandatory as of January 2020.

Protective measures

Companies and individuals involved in business aviation need to take steps now to ensure they are not victims or even unwitting enablers of security attacks. Be aware of who, why, and how hackers might want to break into your systems. Conduct a security audit of your facility and processes to assess how tight your security is. Understand how you control physical and virtual access, what types of monitoring are in place for your users and systems, and where vulnerabilities may exist in your processes and systems. Train your flight crewmembers on security best practices such as avoiding open Wi-Fi networks and protecting access credentials.

Many flight department managers are hiring IT security experts to harden their systems against security breaches and keep up with the continually evolving threat landscape. It’s important to have a detailed action plan so you and your crewmembers are prepared in the case you discover a vulnerability or breach. Yours should address how to limit its impact and recover quickly as well as outline backup equipment and processes in case of critical failures.

Security is a wide-ranging and ever-changing but vitally important aspect of private and business aviation. Keeping your aircraft, flight crew, passengers, computer systems, and data safe and secure requires continuing education, secure systems and practices, and constant vigilance. That’s the price for a strong, economically viable business aviation operation that can withstand today’s ever-present cybersecurity threats.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet.

You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Private Aircraft Spotlight: Boeing Business Jets


1996 was a milestone year in business aviation as it marked the first release from a game-changing joint venture between Boeing Corporation and General Electric. Their goal was to build a corporate version of Boeing’s popular 737 airliner, and it resulted in a new company — Boeing Business Jets (BBJ). It also meant the availability of a line of ultra-long-range ultra-large-cabin business jets that are now hugely popular choices for private, corporate, and charter operations. Today, BBJ offers a wide range of its commercial-based airliners outfitted for the private and corporate market that provide luxury flight experiences incorporating the comfort and amenities fliers are used to having while on the ground.


Bigger is better

The original BBJ had the fuselage of a 737-700 combined with the higher-fuel-capacity 737-800 wing. The interior was basically a blank slate with customizations limited only by the depth of buyers’ pockets. The belly is large enough to accommodate as many as 10 auxiliary fuel tanks, offering an eight-passenger range of 6,196 nautical miles.

A subsequent model, the BBJ2, was longer and had 25% more cabin space than the original. However, to achieve this, it had to lose the extra fuel tanks and, therefore, has a shorter range. A third model based on Boeing’s Next Generation 737-900ER airliner, the even larger BBJ3, appeared in 2005 with a range similar to the BBJ2.

When these aircraft are outfitted for the private market, they provide unmatched durability, reliability, and comfort in addition to their abundance of personal space. Prepackaged options are now available for the BBJ, making cabin customizations easier and quicker to deliver. And now a new generation of BBJ aircraft, the BBJ MAX, is soon coming to market.



In April, Boeing celebrated the first BBJ MAX flyaway. The BBJ MAX 8 flew from Seattle Boeing Field to Georgetown, Delaware, to have auxiliary fuel tanks fitted, which will allow the business jet to fly as far as 6,640 nautical miles. From there, it goes into the cabin completion stage and is scheduled for customer delivery in fall 2019.

The new Boeing 737 MAX series is the basis for the BBJ MAX family, which “will fly farther and at a lower operating cost than its predecessors.” It has more space, greater comfort, and further range than any business jet in its class. More than 20 BBJ MAX aircraft have already sold, making it one of the best-selling business jets in history.

If you aren’t yet ready to commit to a new BBJ, some preowned models are available for much less than the $100 million BBJ MAX 7 price tag. Because of their robust durability, buyers are likely to find quality preowned BBJ models with plenty of life left in the $19 million to $48 million range. Whether new or preowned, BBJs can provide owners with the most economical long-range flight available in luxury airliners of their size.

To make sure you get the best aircraft for your needs at the right price, enlist the help of an expert to guide you through the buying process.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.

Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, by, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Disrupting the BizAv Industry: What’s All the Buzz Around eVTOL Aircraft?

Imagine being able to summon a flight from your office to an establishment in downtown Los Angeles with the ease of ordering a ride-hailing pickup. Sound like something out of science fiction? The aviation industry is ripe for disruption, this could be a big one, and it’s not decades down the road. The electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) revolution has arrived, and one of its first implementations will likely be for a ride-booking service.

eVTOL: The next big thing?

Vertical flight technology is, of course, nothing new, and infrastructures are already in place in many larger cities around the globe to accommodate on-demand air taxi services via helicopter. But leaders in the quickly evolving eVTOL industry have much larger plans. New lightweight materials, improved batteries, and advanced computing power are all coming together to allow a revolution in regional air travel. Electrical propulsion provides an opportunity to eliminate many helicopter drawbacks, and the resulting aircraft promise to reduce carbon emissions and noise as well as slash operating costs.

Mike Hirschberg, executive director of AHS International told Business Jet Traveler that removing complex rotor systems and adding wings to aircraft will improve speed and range of eVTOL vehicles. He adds that the industry is not attempting to replace helicopters — especially in large-scale missions — but, rather, that eVTOLs will add to already available flight options.

Where are we now?

A recent survey of AHS conference attendees showed that 59% of respondents believe “eVTOLs would become a reality in five to 10 years.” And developments in eVTOL technologies are not coming from a group of hobbyists in their garages. They are on the radar of many major aircraft companies as well as innovators in adjacent industries.

  • At the second annual Uber Elevate summit in May, the rideshare company announced that Los Angeles will join Dallas and Dubai as a test market for developing its air taxi networks. It will begin test flights in those cities in 2020 with commercial service planned to start approximately three years after.
  • Also at the Elevate summit, Embraer X introduced the eVTOL vehicle it is working on with Uber. President and CEO Antonio Campello said his company has analyzed the market and believes it will be “very attractive and a disruptor in urban mobility.”
  • In addition, XTI Aircraft is working on a hybrid eVTOL model called the TriFan 600, which it hopes will be commercially available in 2023. The company says the aircraft will be able to travel up to 1,200 nautical miles on a full load of fuel, which amounts to just 125 gallons. Because of its electrical power for take offs and landings, it will be much quieter than a helicopter, but the vehicles should be able to use many of the current heliports and spaces corporate helicopters use today.

These are just a sampling of the developments and innovations taking place in eVTOL aviation. And as more come onboard, many developers plan to keep the technology moving into other realms.

Where are we headed?

Experts believe the eVTOL trend will first be directed toward a different kind of pilot, then no pilot at all as developers have already started working toward the goal of autonomous pilotless flight.

We live in exciting times for aviation, and eVTOL is already positioned to be a disruptive technology for the industry. Aircraft manufacturers are diving in with their own prototypes, and other companies are creating the infrastructure required to support a regional, economical, on-demand air taxi service as well as pilotless and fully electric eVTOL aircraft.

Lookout, Jetsons. We’re right on your tail.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet.
You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Gulfstream’s 2 New Large-Cabin Jets Already Making Waves

Gulfstream Aerospace is having an eventful year. While the company has never done such a pair at once before, Gulfstream leaders expect to certify and enter into service their two newest business jets, the G500 and G600. The Savannah-based aircraft manufacturer’s determination to produce these two twinjets in the same year resulted in five flight test aircraft for each model — and new city-pair flight records.


Peak performance

To introduce the aircraft to the public, Gulfstream sent the large-cabin ultra-long-range G500 model, which can fly 5,200 nautical miles at Mach 0.85 or 4,400 nautical miles at Mach 0.90, on a 12-country world demo tour. The tour started Jan. 8 in Dallas with stops in cities including “Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Milan, Moscow, Beijing, and Melbourne.” The G600 joined the G500 on part of the tour, and the pair set several new city-pair records, including transpacific flights from Shanghai to Honolulu and Honolulu to Savannah, Georgia.

“Gulfstream customers are accustomed to flying practically anywhere in the world at record speeds, and the G500 and G600 have been doing just that as they near certification,” Gulfstream President Mark Burns told AINonline. “These records showcase the real-world capabilities of these impressive aircraft.”

But it’s not all about speed for these two luxury jets. They are also the most technologically advanced aircraft, providing the ultimate in performance, safety, and long-range comfort.


Ready to launch

As certification draws near, Gulfstream is encouraging business aviation insiders to take advantage of the immersive reality experiences it is offering at various locations around the globe. After making its public debut at NBAA in fall 2017, the G600 joined the G500 in appearances at EBACE and ABACE where attendees had the opportunity to see first-hand the aircrafts’ advanced design and safety innovations. They also got to experience Virtual Flight, an interactive experience that features “a view of the pilot seat, all-new active control sidesticks, and a throttle quadrant” as well as experiment with configurations in “Paint Design, Seat Design, and Cabin Experience.”

The jets are drawing a great deal of interest in both Europe and Asia, and visitors have been impressed by their performance, efficiency, and comfort. What, exactly, makes these siblings so attractive? It could be their wider and taller cabins and faster cruise speeds. Behind their Mach 0.90 speeds are Pratt & Whitney Canada’s new PW800 engines paired with Gulfstream’s new wings, according to Aviation Week.

Other aircraft news

The G500 and G600 are not the only Gulfstreams making news. The G650ER recently added a city-pair speed record, pushing its total tally over 70. And this one is impressive, as it occurred during a flight over the North Pole, a feat only a few high-performance jets can accomplish. The jet made the trip from White Plains, New York, to Shanghai — a total of 6,870 nautical miles — in 13 hours and 40 minutes. As Burns announced in a press release, “Access to these demanding, long-range routes is invaluable for our customers.”

The G650ER can fly 7,500 nautical miles at Mach 0.85. It has two Rolls-Royce BR725 engines and can seat as many as 19 passengers in its fully customizable interior configuration.

If all goes as expected, two more large-cabin fly-by-wire aircraft will be certified and ready for service by the end of the year. If you need a jet for traveling the globe quickly, efficiently, and comfortably, Gulfstream’s new options may be just what you’re looking for. And if you can’t wait for their entry into service to fly in luxury, you might look to a preowned Gulfstream jet for your personal or business travel.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.
Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.