Industry News

Kansas is Getting a Supersonic Test Corridor

Demand for supersonic jets is growing. But before we see the likes of the Concorde in the skies again, we need a place to test the next generation of supersonic aircraft. It’s looking like that test site might very well be a 770-nm corridor in Kansas that runs from Garden City, KS to Pittsburg, KS.

The Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor (SSTC) is the result of a new agreement between the Kansas Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and could be the testing grounds for Mach 3 aircraft as soon as 2024.

Supersonic test ground

Supersonic flight has been possible for decades. Ultimately, however, a combination of factors like immense noise and environmental pollution conspired to kill the first foray into supersonic jets. Today, several companies hope to resurrect the supersonic jet as a quieter, more environmentally friendly offering.

The deal struck between the FAA and the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) offers a way for supersonic developers to test their planes in a controlled, supervised environment. Observers from the FAA, KDOT and various industry and academic groups like Wichita State University’s National Institute of Aviation Research will monitor flights, collect noise data, and plot the road ahead for supersonic flight.

Supersonic contenders like Aerion’s AS2, Boom’s XB-1, and Lockheed Martin’s X-59 will be among the first to break in the new corridor as these aviation leaders scramble to bring their jet to market quicker than the competition.

A host of new ideas

Besides testing individual supersonic jets and their speeds, the SSTC will provide room for companies to experiment with burgeoning technology. NASA and Lockheed Martin will use the SSTC to test their so-called “quiet” supersonic technology. Aerion, the developer of the AS2, hopes to test their Boom Cruise technology, which disperses the ill effects of a sonic boom before they reach the ground.

Celebrating the decision, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association president and CEO Pete Bunce declared:

“The Kansas Supersonic Transportation Corridor will assist in the assessment of sound mitigating structural and engine designs as well as state of the art atmospheric acoustic modeling that eliminates the sonic boom and shapes the noise signature of an aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound to a very low volume rumble. The validation of these technological breakthroughs through the use of sophisticated ground acoustic and telemetry sensors will provide the necessary data to assist global regulators and policymakers in modernizing supersonic flight policies.”

More than going fast, supersonic jet makers of the future are working hard to be responsible in achieving these speeds. The Kansas corridor allows them to experiment with their responsible technology.

One leap forward

When the world’s most famous supersonic jet, the Concorde, made flights, travelers relished the speed. They also complained that it was noisy and uncomfortable. The sonic boom wasn’t just loud inside the jet. The tremors it created could be felt on the ground. Those undeniable drawbacks eventually saw the end of the Concorde and supersonic jets like it. The SSTC represents a ray of hope for people still awed by the magic of supersonic flight.

When it is in full swing, the SSTC will provide a means of testing and developing bold advances in the field of supersonic flight. Best of all, the joint effort allows regulators a way to control the potential harm the rebirth of supersonic flight may have otherwise caused. It’s a win-win all around.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Otto Aviation Sets Its Sights on a Zero-Emissions Aircraft

Aviation is on the cusp of several big breakthroughs — namely, low-emissions aircraft. Already there are several low-emission prototypes in the works, including the much-anticipated Celera 500L from Otto Aviation. Now, in a revelation on the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Green Innovations webcast, it appears there’s even more to look forward to from the Celera 500L. Otto Aviation has announced its intention to produce a zero-emission version of this aircraft to enter service in 2027. It could very well be the world’s first zero-emissions craft, and it comes at an important time.

Responsible travel

The looming threat of climate change demands immediate action. As organizations and individuals around the world push for regulation, aviation companies are preparing for paradigm shifts that force greener, more sustainable practices in everything from airframe manufacturing to biofuel developments. The goal of these new endeavors is simple: to maintain current levels of comfort and capability, without putting further strain on the environment.

One of the most sought achievements of this new age of production is net-zero carbon emissions. In particular, aircraft manufacturers face increased scrutiny from passengers and regulatory bodies alike, to find ways to decrease their carbon footprint. Now, Otto Aviation may have the answer.


Almost-but-not-quite possible

The team behind Otto Aviation has already reveled in the spotlight. Their Celera 500L stands as one of the most exciting pending projects in aviation. In December, the company upped the ante when they announced a version of the Celera 500L that could produce zero emissions. Unfortunately, there’s a catch.

The battery required to power the net-zero Celera 500L doesn’t exist … yet. During the announcement, Otto Aviation’s Chief Technology Officer David Bogue explained, “We’re optimistic that improvements to specific energy, cycles, and charge rates would enable battery power on future aircraft, especially in the long term.”

At present, Otto Aviation believes a zero-emission Celera 500L could hit the market by 2027. And there’s encouraging reason to think they’re right. Battery technology is growing at an exponential rate thanks to the likes of eVTOL ventures and even automotive manufacturers like Tesla.

A step toward sustainable flight

The battery technology for a zero-emission Celera might remain in development, but that doesn’t mean the Celera 500L isn’t beautiful to behold. There’s a good reason Otto Aviation earned a spot among the aviation industry’s darlings.

The Celera 500L went back to the drawing board on aircraft design. Ultimately, they turned out a craft that looks like a cross between a private plane and an old-fashioned zeppelin. Besides increasing the interior space of an average private jet, the design of the Celera 500L allows it to achieve extraordinary feats of distance and efficiency.

In fact, Otto Aviation says the Celera 500L is roughly nine times more fuel-efficient than the average private jet. Not only does this reduce the plane’s environmental stress, but it also makes for incredible cruising distances.

In a world increasingly anxious about climate change, the Celera 500L is a significant step forward. Should it achieve a carbon-neutral output, it would definitely fall into the realm of “industry-defining aircraft.”

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

The Growing Threat of Illegal Charters Leads to Air Charter Safety Alliance (ACSA)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is tamping down hard on illegal charters. Back in May 2020, the agency sent out a letter encouraging pilots to double-check compliance standards before chartering a flight to ensure they aren’t in violation of federal aviation regulations and, thus, operating an illegal charter. The reminder comes at a time when the FAA says illegal chartering is happening more than ever. More operators and more technologies to facilitate charters have made it easier to broker one; however, that doesn’t mean it’s a legal charter.

The industry fights back

There are numerous reasons to avoid an illegal charter, and to make sure the charter you’re booking isn’t operating outside of FAA guidelines in any way. The chief problem with most illegal charters is that flyers (and operators) aren’t even aware they’re illegal. As a result, there’s no assurance of safety. Unfortunately, not only do illegal charters pose a threat to their passengers, they also risk besmirching the entire charter aircraft industry — whether the pilot is knowingly or unknowingly breaking FAA rules.

In response to increased concern for illicit charters (also known as “grey” charters), a group of 10 prominent industry groups from four different continents have banded together to educate the public. The Air Charter Safety Alliance (ACSA) intends to launch “an online educational campaign” to improve awareness of these potentially dangerous trips.

Prominent players

As it ramps up initiatives, the ACSA counts among its members several prominent aircraft safety organizations, including the U.S. National Air Transportation Association, the U.K. Air Charter Association, and the various incarnations of the National Business Aviation Association spread across the world. Dave Edwards, CEO of the Air Charter Association, stated:

“Illegal charter goes against everything our industry works hard to deliver it increases the risk to passengers, damages the reputation of our industry, and impacts careers and businesses. By working together with our partner associations around the world, we aim to protect the air charter community and educate passengers, pilots, and aircraft owners about the serious consequences of illegal charter.”

The accidental criminal

One of the most alarming factors surrounding grey charters is that many pilots may be operating one without realizing it. Experts consider something like loaning your plane to friends or clients a grey charter. What may appear to be casual, harmless arrangements for jet owners could end up costing thousands, even millions of dollars in the event an accident occurs. If the National Transportation Safety Board discovers you’re operating a grey charter, the consequences are severe for pilots and owners alike — including fines and/or loss of licensure.

It’s cases like these that the ACSA hopes to curtail. The goal of the organization isn’t to punish offenders but to educate those people unknowingly committing infractions and guide them toward compliance. The hope is that with increased awareness and education about grey charters, the number of accidental illegal charters will drop and the excuses for knowingly operating one will become narrower.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

4 Trends Powering the Future of Private Aviation

There’s no shortage of headlines talking about the “next big thing” in aviation. Most of them focus on VTOLs (vertical take off and landing) and autonomous flight vehicles, or new concepts that we might not see for another decade or more. But what about the future of aviation in the near-term? What’s powering demand for better private aircraft today? Below, we’ll look at four major trends that are real and tangible today, taking shape right before our eyes as the industry trudges forward into a new era.

Blazing new trails: a look at the path behind us

The world of aviation develops at a rate almost too fast for the naked eye to comprehend. In the last several years, the world of private flight has improved on every conceivable level, from customer-facing to technology-oriented.

Take, for instance, the rise of flight sharing. This concept has made private flight much more affordable to first-time flyers and hasn’t sacrificed an iota of the comfort and convenience associated with private travel. Then there’s the automatic return feature recently developed at Cirrus. In the event of pilot failure, the push of a single button will allow untrained passengers to return to the point of origin in safety. These are just two recent examples of innovation that show the diverse opportunities within aviation.

Aviation is an industry powered by the strength of its advancements. Here are four of the most fascinating, must-watch trends in aviation.

1. Supersonic jets

When the Concorde was shuttered, many in the general public believed the days of supersonic flight was over. A handful of investors and inventors kept the technology alive, however. Today’s supersonic prototypes are cleaner and more powerful than their predecessors. Now, a legal battle is in the works to ensure that supersonic jets can see the light of day once more.

2. Environmentally friendly jets

The threat of climate change is real enough, but the need to diminish our harm to the planet doesn’t stop our need to travel great distances in a short period of time. As a result, several firms are developing jets driven by biofuels that produce lower emissions than ever thought possible. Keep an eye out for advancements in microalgae and biodiesel as science pushes fuel to greener pastures.

3. AI and machine learning

These days, every airline passenger expects some form of Wi-Fi with their ticket. We’re a connected world, and we want to stay connected. As a result, firms like Honeywell (among others) spend billions of dollars a year to turn airline Wi-Fi into a wholly reimagined passenger experience. This goes far beyond inflight TV and video games. Expect a future where aviation is powered by machines that can predict, adapt, and plan for an optimal flight experience.

4. Increasing charter demand

Let’s face it: commercial flight has hit its peak. Without some serious quality-of-life improvements, most commercial flights feel more like flying buses than a distinguished means of travel. People have noticed, and charter businesses and independent airlines have seen an uptick in patronage.

An industry of experimentation

While those are some of the strongest tailwinds blowing in aviation, they are by no means the only way the industry is working to improve private flight. Advancements in biometrics, a reliance on energy-efficiency, and a commitment to increased comfort have created a collection of like-minded competitors continually working to outdo one another. Isn’t it time to get in on the fun?

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

The Future is Officially Here: New Hampshire has Legalized Flying Cars

The Granite State is the first state in the union to legalize flying cars. On July 28, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R) signed NH HB1517 into law. Nicknamed the “Jetson Bill” after the futuristic cartoon family, it’s the first piece of legislation of its kind — one designed to make personal air travel acceptable as the world moves rapidly toward vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) craft. It’s great news for VTOL startups not only in principle, but because it lays the groundwork for future states to open the airways with similar legislation.

The world of roadable aircraft

For so long, the realm of flying cars has remained the stuff of science fiction. It’s also been the single-most common complaint whenever someone is annoyed that the modern age isn’t futuristic enough. Where are all the flying cars? Apparently, they’re in New Hampshire. Or will be soon enough.

Though it may seem like cutting edge legislation, the theory behind HB1517 is simple. Indeed, the key to making personal aircraft street-legal was already in place in the form of regulations imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). To hear one New Hampshire representative explain it, the new bill will only require one extra step to turn your personal plane into a roadable aircraft. Once you’ve satisfied the FAA’s regulations, you’ll just need to drive down the street to the DMV and get a license plate.

HB1517 doesn’t mean New Hampshire’s citizens will soon see private aircraft landing on the streets outside their homes. Instead, HB1517 allows personal craft to land at one of the state’s landing strips, retract its wings and continue its journey.

Kickstarting an industry

Legislators in New Hampshire have high hopes for HB1517. This new piece of legislation was crafted for two primary reasons. First, by embracing advanced technology in print, New Hampshire hopes to draw more technology firms.

The second reason for HB1517 is the precedent it sets. Now that one state established regulations to allow roadable vehicles, the expectation is that other states will follow suit in short order. That legislative landslide could give rise to a new industry, headquartered in New Hampshire.

Hot competition

The state of New Hampshire may not need to wait long before companies and private pilots race to the state to test out their toys. As the CEO of Samson Sky told Forbes, I consider this ideal legislation for allowing this type of vehicle to become part of the broad, regular system of travel.”

Samson Sky is bringing their sporty Switchblade to the market. This unique aircraft can extend its wings and move its tail into (or out of) flight position in less than three minutes. The PAL-V ditches the jet engine in favor of a modified pusher prop/helicopter mash-up that sports a dual-control cockpit and sleek Italian design. Convenience is the name of the game with Terrafugia’s aptly named Transition. It goes from car to plane in under 60 seconds and runs on unleaded.

Blazing new trails

There is still some time until roadable aircraft are commonplace, but HB1517 opens the door wide for progress in the market. Working prototypes catching eyes on runways and boulevards throughout New Hampshire should inspire the public imagination and spur other states to quickly follow suit. When New Hampshire’s politicians say that HB1517 could mark the birth of a new industry, they’re not kidding. The future is coming.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

China Could Soon See eVTOL Air-Taxi Flights After Successful Passenger Test

Every week, there’s something new in the world of eVTOLs. But it’s not often the headlines are as exciting as the most recent one from eHang. The company has announced the first successful passenger flight of its eHang 216 around Yantai, China. This marks the first successful test of its kind and scope — a huge leap forward in the development of eVTOLs as air-taxis. And, with a global parade lined up to showcase similar tests in multiple countries, eHang may have just become the frontrunner in the future of autonomous air-taxis.


A bold new direction

While big-name tech companies like Tesla and Google continue to struggle with self-piloted cars, Chinese company eHang is bypassing the roads entirely in favor of taking to the skies. The company’s flagship eVTOL aircraft, the 216, has been racking up service miles for the last two years. Along the way, it has accumulated a sterling reputation for private transportation.

With a range of roughly 20 miles, the 216 is perfect for transportation around most major cities. The autonomously piloted aircraft has tested the market in more than 21 cities and 6 countries, successfully completing more than 2,000 flights in all weather conditions without issue.

Now, the company has reached a new milestone: the world’s first commercial trip with passengers, flown completely autonomously.

The North American market

For the moment, the 216’s limited range makes it ideal for quick jaunts around the city, plus a bevy of sightseeing opportunities. Of course, the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) strict rules regarding air space make it difficult for eHang’s 216 to breach the United States market. Though the FAA has issued flight approval for the eHang 216, its ability to function in the commercial space is limited. Fortunately for the company, the provincial government of Quebec is more open to experimentation.

Transport Canada (the FAA of the Great White North) issued a Special Flight Operations Certificate to allow eHang to begin preliminary flights throughout the city, and, eventually, the country. As eHang builds an increasing number of friendly markets throughout the world, it’s only a matter of time before the United States government takes notice.

The cutting edge

The 216 isn’t the world’s first eVTOL, not by a stretch. The idea for a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft can be traced all the way back to Leonardo da Vinci’s sketchbooks. Countless inventors have tried their hands at eVTOLs, but few have met with the same success. Even contemporaries of eHang don’t have quite the same panache. For example, a test air-taxi program conducted by German company Volocopter is currently ongoing. The Volocopter, however, still requires the use of a pilot.

Other aerospace companies experimenting with autonomous flight are steps behind eHang, as well. There is no other company that allows travelers to take off and land wherever they need without having to control the aircraft. Truly, if there was a frontrunner in the world of eVTOLs, eHang is the odds-on favorite — a fact that becomes clearer with future successful unpiloted tests.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Is All-Inclusive Vacationing Soon to Include Private Flights?

In the wake of COVID-19, private charter companies have begun exploring a broad realm of possibilities for getting planes back into the sky. Among these options is partnerships with other organizations — namely travel and hospitality companies. It might not be long until the concept of an “all-inclusive” vacation comes to include a private flight to your resort! This type of partnership could be a big win for charter companies and vacation destinations alike — provided the new concept of “all-inclusive” gets traction now, in the post-pandemic climate.

Partnerships boost the vacation industry

In this time of social distancing, a discounted private charter is much preferred to roughing the commercial airlines. The world is attempting to leave COVID-19 in the past, yet many vacationers still get anxious at the mere thought of sitting in close proximity to strangers on their flight. Families are more likely to enact their vacation plans knowing a private jet allows them to socially distance themselves.

As a result, private charters and resorts are teaming up in an effort to kick the vacation industry back into gear. In particular, ANI Private Resorts and Private Jet Services (PJS) have created a partnership to boost business and offer passengers special perks. Passengers flying with PJS for the first time to one of the ANI resorts will receive $5,000 in credit. It’s twice that amount for a current PJS member!

Expanding the definition of all-inclusive

There’s a bright side to social distancing, too. Thanks to limited capacities at resorts, all-inclusive vacations just got a whole lot better. You can lounge by the pool, enjoy private cooking sessions with world-class chefs, or embark on tours without having to run into other guests. At ANI Private Resorts, guests have full access to sprawling grounds with just ten suites per villa. Guests even have the option to rent an entire villa for ultimate privacy.

Private jets serve to expand that all-inclusive experience. They allow guests to arrive in style, trading the claustrophobic cabin of a commercial plane for the luxury of their own personal jet. Partnerships allow private charters to get vacationers excited about travel when they previously may have dreaded it. And, of course, a luxury flight enhances the ambiance of a luxury destination.

Private jets are here to stay

All-inclusive vacations with private jets come in the midst of travel destinations planning a soft reopen. Resorts, nightclubs, and amusement parks alike are figuring out how to comply with social distance rules while allowing revenue to flow. Private charters are doing the same. That’s why partnerships like those between ANI Private Resorts and PJS are a smart business move right now. Travel and lodging companies are working together to keep customers safe in the aftermath of a global pandemic.

ANI and PJS represent the first of what’s likely to be many all-inclusive partnerships to include a private charter to the vacation destination. Not only do charters bring vacationers peace of mind through privacy and social distance, they exude a new level of ambiance at a time when the concept of a vacation may seem unappealing. As both private aviation and hospitality strive to recover in a post-pandemic world, a natural partnership is the best step forward.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

FAA Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) Program is Live, Bringing New Security to BizAv

Privacy is a major part of business aviation, and one of the pillar benefits of owning or choosing a private charter. For many, this goes beyond the seclusion of a luxury cabin — it also includes the privacy of not having your movements tracked publicly. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) acknowledges the need for privacy and has subsequently launched its Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program, affording jet owners the ADS-B privacy they desire.

Looking at the Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program

The FAA’s Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program is the next iteration in privacy for BizAv, building atop the frameworks of the Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) program, formerly the Block Aircraft Registration Request. However, this new program takes things a step further, shielding private aircraft from the traceability that comes with mode-S transponders.

Part of the ADS-B system, mode-S transponders emit the aircraft’s ICAO code, which can be publicly tracked by means of flight aggregation software. The PIA program provides aircraft an alternate ICAO number — one that’s disassociated with the aircraft’s registration number. As a result, the craft can be tracked through public channels, but not identified. Aircraft also must register for a new domestic call sign.

How to request a PIA assignment

For jet owners looking to take advantage of enhanced privacy via the PIA program, the first step is to obtain a PIA assignment. The process is straightforward. Applicants must be U.S. registered and authorized to use a third-party call sign. Additionally, the craft must be equipped with 1090 MHz ADS-B.

Aviators must apply for and obtain a copy of their Initial Public ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR), which should include the permanently assigned ICAO address from a flight in ADS-B airspace within the past 180 days. This information should be submitted to the PIA request site, where, if approved, aircraft owners will receive their PIA assignment in as little as 10 days.

New PIA assignment in hand, aviators must program the new PIA into the mode-S transponder. Once installed, the final step is to obtain another PAPR from a flight in ADS-B airspace — this time with the PIA — and submit it to the PIA verification page for validation.

The strong case for PIAs

The PIA has strong support across the BizAv industry, largely backed by corporate jet owners. Protecting the movements of CEOs and investors has tremendous merit not only for their safety, but in protecting clandestine business operations. Likewise, politicians and high-net-worth individuals who may become targets can travel incognito when flying to and from commercial airfields.

Currently, the PIA program only extends to private charters in domestic airspace. International charters must revert to their original ICAO address, triggering a maintenance action. As this program continues to gain traction, avionics companies will likely come together for more seamless solutions. In the meantime, privacy reigns supreme in U.S. airspace!

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Bombardier Divests its Commercial Aviation Segment, Ending a 33-Year Run

An industry force for more than 30 years and a trusted name in aviation, Bombardier is saying goodbye to the commercial sector. Announced in June 2019, the company has officially divested the last of its regional jet business to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It’s the final chapter in a story of dismantling that’s been happening since 2015. While sad, it gives Bombardier time to focus more on what it does best ― including private aviation.

A look back at its roots

Bombardier’s rise and fall in the commercial aviation sector is an intriguing story. The company actually got its start in specialty vehicles, producing sleds and plows for winter rescue operations. It wasn’t until 1986 when the company took to the skies. A condensed history shows a two-decade sprint to the forefront of the market, as a leading name in regional jet production:

  • In 1986, Bombardier acquired Canadair for $120 million (Canadian dollars)
  • Shortly after, in 1989, they acquired Short Brothers ― an aircraft manufacturer
  • In 1992, the company acquired the newly bankrupt, highly popular Learjet brand
  • In 2008, Bombardier forayed into in-house manufacturing with the Dash 8 Series

The late 2000s were the apex of Bombardier’s leadership in commercial aviation. The Dash 8 Series boomed in popularity; alongside legacy models inherited from Learjet. The company even weathered the economic downturn of 2008 with relative ease. It wasn’t until 2015 when the company’s problems reared.

The downward spiral

In 2015, the company reported a net debt of more than $9 billion and freefalling revenues. Investors, upon seeing the financial filings, obliterated Bombardier’s stock, sending it tumbling. The small glimmer of hope ― the company’s newly introduced CS100 series models ― was quickly extinguished, as well.

After debuting the CS100 series and taking orders from major airliners such as Delta, Bombardier was hit with a formal complaint by rival Boeing. Boeing claimed the company was using Canadian subsidies to undercut market pricing. Facing tariffs of nearly 250%, sales of the CS100 series tanked, along with Bombardier’s commercial outlook.

Divestitures began shortly thereafter. Airbus acquired a majority stake in the CS100 series and quickly changed the name to the Airbus A220. Then, in 2018, Bombardier sold its flagship Dash 8 program. Now, with the sale of its remaining assets to Mitsubishi for $550 million, Bombardier the commercial aviation company exists no more.

What’s the focus now?

Bombardier’s exit from commercial aviation turns an oligopoly into a duopoly, between Airbus and Boeing. But if it’s not going to make regional jets anymore, what is Bombardier going to do?

Turn to private aviation, of course! The company’s Learjet, Challenger, and Global Series aircraft are major sellers in the private market, and the company continues to see tremendous success in this sector. With more than 4,700 jets in operation over 112 countries, Bombardier is the third-largest business jet manufacturer in the world.

With its hugely popular Global 7500 and anticipated Global 8000 jets, Bombardier is showing that it’s ready to succeed in private aviation. Closing the door on commercial aviation ensures a singular focus.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

The 2020 Deadline for ADS-B Out Compliance is Looming Nearer

We’re less than three months out from the mandatory compliance date for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS–B) retrofits in private aircraft. On January 1, 2020, aircraft operating in U.S. airspace must have ADS–B surveillance technology, allowing aircraft to determine position through the use of satellite navigation. Aircraft operating in European airspace face a similar deadline of June 7, 2020.

The problem is that a major chunk of the private fleet is on pace to miss this deadline. The retrofit program started in 2016, yet AINonline reports, “Of the 17,759 currently registered aircraft, 5,088 or 29% have not yet been upgraded, down from 51% a year ago.”

Jet owners are running out of time. If their craft isn’t updated to include ADS–B on or before the deadline, they face grounding until compliant.

The adoption rate of ADS–B is up from the abysmal numbers reported in 2018, but there are still red flags among private jet owners. Current projections anticipate as much as 15% of the U.S. fleet will not be compliant in time. Roughly 11% of Europe’s private jet fleet faces grounding, as well.

Why haven’t jet owners upgraded?

The lackluster adoption rate of ADS–B upgrades is surprising. Not only have owners had nearly a four-year window, a voucher program was also made available to mitigate the cost of upgrading.

Early adoption issues stem from component availability. Early adopters found themselves waiting months for components to become available. Unfortunately, this same bottleneck could be what dooms late adopters. As the deadline looms, there’s sure to be a surge in retrofit demand, which could push back installation times. Manufacturers have ramped up their transponder production rate in anticipation.

Lack of overall adoption appears to be a matter of pricing. Based on upgrade data, adoption is lowest among legacy fixed-wing aircraft owners. These owners face costs as high as $200,000 to implement ADS–B. Many are still weighing the cost against voluntarily grounding or even purchasing a brand-new aircraft that’s already compliant.

It appears many jet owners are also banking on a deadline extension that may not come. Slow initial adoption led many to believe the date would get pushed into the future, potentially with better financing available. Neither have materialized and are unlikely to, leaving current owners in a predicament.

Who will make the deadline, and who’s getting grounded?

Adoption rates will surpass 80% in the coming months, but will the trend continue to full adoption? It remains unlikely, as cost prohibitions loom largely over legacy owners. Craft such as the Gulfstream III and the Citation III have less than 50% ADS–B adoption. For those choosing to forgo the upgrade, that tarmac is where they’ll stay.

The silver lining in the slow pace to total adoption? Those not intending to make the upgrade may instead invest in a new aircraft. It wouldn’t be surprising to see an uptick in new jet deliveries in 2020.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.