Corporate Jet

Why Are Private Jets Essential for Business Travel?

How many business class tickets does your company buy annually? If you have two employees traveling internationally twice monthly on different flights, you’re booking nearly 100 flights annually (departure and return).

How many of those flights will be delayed or cancelled? How many times will your workers’ luggage get lost at a layover? What will the average cost of these tickets be each month? There’s a lot to consider here, and the numbers can paint a pretty grim picture of commercial travel.

Commercial aviation woes

Flying first class (or even business class) may feel better than hitching a ride in economy. But where you sit on the plane has nothing to do with the logistics of commercial air travel. If something goes wrong — such as a delay, cancellation, or problem boarding — all passengers are affected equally.

For every issue with commercial air travel you encounter, there’s a cost. This cost gets added to what you’ve already paid for tickets — and it’s not always a cost measured in dollars. Take a look at how they can add up:

  • Delays and cancellations are extremely common and can vary widely based on where you’re flying to and from, as well as weather patterns at the time. Every hour you’re delayed has rippling costs to your trip and the bottom line of your company’s balance sheet.
  • Layovers may be part of the trip, but they’re an inconvenience and a time-suck nonetheless. And with every additional layover comes the potential for further delays or mishaps with luggage or itineraries.
  • Lost luggage happens much less frequently these days, but it still occurs from time to time — especially flying internationally. Between random TSA inspections and multi-leg fights, lost luggage becomes a real possibility and, if it occurs, a real problem.
  • Technology troubles come with their own costs. Can’t work on the plane because the Wi-Fi is down? Issues getting the bandwidth you need at the airport? Nowhere to charge your phone on the plane? These minor inconveniences quickly amount to costly setbacks for businesses.
Compile every dollar spent, lost hour, and inconvenience — and commercial flights suddenly don’t seem so appealing. And with ticket prices subject to wild fluctuation, there’s no telling what the final cost to fly may be. If you’re buying 100 tickets a year, this is likely too much invariability to be comfortable with.

Chartered aviation to the rescue

Private aviation flips the script, taking all the negatives of commercial flights and all but abolishing them. Check out how BizAv broadly eliminates the setbacks and headaches that define commercial aviation:

  • There are no long lines to navigate for a chartered flight. It leaves when you’re ready.
  • There’s no noise or restriction onboard. It’s just you and your business, ready to work.
  • Forget about layovers! Direct to destination charters save you invaluable time.
  • BizAv delays are few and far between, and you’ll typically have far better notice.
  • The cost of chartered flights is comparable to first-class flights in many cases.
  • No lost luggage or complicated baggage claims. Your luggage is with you at all times.

Private aviation brings certainty to your demand for flying. If you know you’re buying 100 tickets per year and roughly where you’ll be flying, something like an investment in fractional flights or a jet card attaches a real, true-dollar figure to your travel outlook.

There are many concerns surrounding commercial aviation — most of which you have little control over. What you can control is the decision to charter your business flights. In doing so, you’ll introduce certainty to a previously uncertain situation.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

3 Examples of the BizAv Internet of Things at Work

The Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding across industries as the prevalence of big data is allowing analysts to leverage information and improve just about every aspect of the way things work. Aviation is no exception. With so many variables involved in air travel, the IoT is paving the way for our understanding of optimization across the board.

Flight operational quality assurance (FOQA) programs are becoming more robust, relying heavily on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies to manage their broad scope. This has, in turn, led aviation insiders to adopt intelligent wireless access points (WAPs) and in-flight connectivity (IFC) in their jets. Together, this digitization of essential systems has opened the door for IoT in aviation.

3 examples of the BizAv IoT at work

Reliance on legacy systems and the capital-intensive nature of the industry as a whole have made IoT adoption slower in the BizAv field than in many others. However, many innovations are beginning to take hold. Here are just a few:

  1. Crew assistance — Fly-by-wire technologies have been in place since the 1970s and have dramatically improved flight safety and efficiency. However, pilot presence, which means making sure cockpit personnel have all the insights they need before, during, and after takeoff, is still invaluable.
  2. Big data maintenance — Another GE venture, Taleris™, is a company leveraging IoT technologies to vastly improve maintenance for jets of all types. One of a growing number of companies like it, Taleris utilizes a series of sensors and beacons throughout an aircraft’s many vital systems to collect and analyze data to minimize unscheduled maintenance and delays.
  3. Flight path optimization — Predetermined air corridors and flight paths offer certainty once a jet is in the air. But BizAv IoT tech is making it possible to safely adapt and adjust routes midflight. More than just air-to-ground communications, the IoT is enabling air-to-air data communication so pilots can anticipate and avoid intersection points, keeping jets safely in the air on the shortest possible trajectories to their locations.

And these are just the IoT innovations on the jets themselves! Smart airports and customer-facing technologies are moving the industry ever closer to interconnectivity where big data may someday optimize the entire private flying experience.

See a problem, solve a problem

As the industry broaches the cusp of BizAv IoT innovation, insiders may quickly realize the true power of big data insights. When they do, the floodgates could open for even broader adoption and innovation. Just as it’s doing for manufacturing, offices, and utilities, the IoT is bringing efficiency, accountability, and automation to aviation, improving existing fly-by-wire technologies and enabling insights throughout.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

HondaJet Announces Elite Light Business Jet

Founded in 2006, it was only two and a half years ago that HondaJet gained type certification for its first aircraft. However, the relative newness of the company has not hindered sales. The HondaJet has earned rave reviews and had the most sales of any jet in its class in 2017. Following hard on the heels of its success, the company announced its sophomore project — an upgraded business jet called the HondaJet Elite — in Geneva just before the 2018 European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) in May. It was here where attendees received the first look at the newly certified aircraft.


Extended range and enhanced cabin comforts

The new Elite achieves an extended range of 17% more than the original HondaJet model, which translates into a range of just over 1,430 nautical miles. This makes the aircraft capable of flying distances as great as those from Denver to New York City or Shanghai to Tokyo. Additionally, the press release touts a new “noise attenuating inlet structure” that lines the engines to cut down on high-frequency noise. The jet will also include some smaller luxuries, such as the industry’s first speaker-less in-cabin audio system, a galley with a coffeemaker, and a belted lavatory. The jet will be available in three different color schemes: Ice Blue, Ruby Red, and Monarch Orange.

Pilot benefits

The cabin and exterior are not the only parts of the HondaJet Elite to receive upgrades. Designers equipped the jet with the Garmin® G3000 avionics suite, which is highly automated for optimal safety. New features include automatic planning for performance, runway lengths, and gradients. The new interface also includes an angle of attack function to assist the pilot in maintaining stability. In fact, the whole Elite cockpit was designed to be comfortable, responsive, and intuitive.


Aptly named

As its name would suggest, the HondaJet Elite stands out among other similar business jets in many ways. The HondaJet Elite is the fastest and highest-flying jet in its class. It is also the quietest, emitting less noise pollution to protect the regions it flies over. Additionally, it boasts the highest fuel efficiency of all similar jets, making it more environmentally friendly and more economical to fly than its competitors. If previous HondaJet sales are any indication of the Elite’s success, the queue for orders is already growing.

While the HondaJet Elite is a smaller aircraft, this light jet is one of the smallest and most agile classes of private passenger aircraft. If you are in the market for a smaller luxurious aircraft, it could be hard to go wrong with this new arrival.

Unsure of the size or type of aircraft you need? A professional aircraft broker can help you through the process, ensuring you get the right jet for your needs. At L & L International, our expert jet brokers are available to assist you in purchasing the perfect jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us anytime at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

How’s the Business of BizAv?

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Although some view private jet use as a frivolous perk for wealthy executives in large enterprises, the reality is much different. In today’s fast-paced global business environment, time is money. Commercial travel can be a big time sink, and private jet travel for business purposes saves time by flying executives directly to meeting locations — without them having to deal with baggage, security lines, and boarding wait times. Most business jets also offer internet and communications technologies that allow executives to be productive during flight. With so many benefits, what should existing jet owners and those looking at acquiring their own aircraft be aware of in today’s business aviation environment?

The state of business aviation

Experts agree: The business of BizAv is looking bright. Economic conditions are strong indicators of the strength of business aviation. As the global economy continues its upward trend and stock markets surge, business aviation looks to be continuing its recovery from the 2008 recession. The fact that recent tax changes allow businesses to write off 100% of the cost of business jets will likely mean more sales of new and preowned aircraft in 2018, of which a large inventory still exists for purchase.

Industry insiders also expect charter flight numbers to soar along with membership programs, jet cards, and fractional ownership, which open up the wonders of private flight to those previously excluded. This is good for business aviation in general because it brings new customers into the pipeline who may become future owners. As they say, once you experience the benefits of private aviation, you never want to go back to the hassles of commercial flight.

Business aviation trends

Continuing economic improvements should see new jet sales pick up during the next 12 months. Demand will likely soon lead to preowned inventory depletion through purchase or retirement, and manufacturers are prepared with many new models coming down the pike.

As airlines continue to reduce the number of services they provide as well as increase security regulations and wait times, more passengers will be primed to dump commercial flight stresses. Alternative methods of ownership are also expected to continue rapid growth as aviation companies come up with innovative new ways to make jet travel more attainable to a larger population.

In addition, new technologies and regulations are making jet travel safer than ever before as well as more comfortable. Internet connectivity is no longer a perk but rather a necessity for making the private jet experience more productive for business travelers.

Staying on top of the trends in private and business aviation is important for both existing owners as well as individuals and corporation leaders considering purchasing. It’s important you understand your purchasing options from new to preowned and other access methods, including charters and membership programs. Staying on top of market conditions, operating costs, regulatory compliance issues, and technological advancements can help you choose an appropriate model to meet your needs at an affordable price and ensure private jet travel will remain available to you for many years to come.

Buying a business jet in today’s market while considering all the other factors involved in making a financially sound choice can be daunting. That’s why working with a professional consultant is not simply a convenience. It’s a necessity.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.

Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

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cessna longitude, cessna latitude

Cessna Steps Into the Spotlight with Citation Latitude and Longitude

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Cessna’s Citation family of business jets has been a popular choice in business aviation of late. The most recent models, Latitude and Longitude, provide the quality, comfort, and performance private and business jet owners expect. Here’s a look at why these models are getting so much attention from those in the aviation industry.


Citation Longitude

Cessna and parent company Textron Aviation’s new super-midsize Citation Longitude is in full production with FAA certification coming soon. The company completed a 31,000-nautical-mile tour last month to introduce its features and capabilities to the market.

Building on the success of the Citation Latitude, the Longitude is Cessna’s biggest jet to date. It sports a large cabin with a 6-foot ceiling and customizable interior configuration capable of seating 12 passengers. Those passengers can control the cabin management system via a mobile device app. The jet is also complete with a walk-in luggage compartment accessible during flight. Quiet flights combined with such amenities and a lower cabin altitude provide a comfortable, relaxing ride, especially on longer legs.

The Longitude’s Honeywell HTF7700L turbofan engines provide superior performance as well as a 3,500-nautical-mile range with four passengers on board. Features include a Garmin 65000 avionics suite with head-up display and enhanced vision capability. Another perk is the jet’s maintenance requirements. Designers made the aircraft as efficient as possible, increasing the maintenance interval to 800 hours or 18 months. The Longitude will have an estimated $27 million list price, according to the AIN article.


Citation Latitude

Although most of the recent buzz about the Citation line has been centered around the Longitude’s upcoming entry into service, the Citation Latitude has been making headlines as well. In 2017, deliveries of Cessna’s popular Latitude midsize business jet increased 30% over the previous year, making it the most-delivered midsize business jet for two years running. The Latitude’s success is revitalizing the business jet market and is a clear validation of the company’s innovative product development strategy.

Praised for both comfort and performance, the 9-passenger Latitude has a spacious cabin and offers passengers 30 inches of legroom, a 6-foot-high ceiling, and a lavatory 60% larger than others in its class. It also has the lowest cabin altitude in its class at just under 6,000 feet. In addition, its fuel-efficient Pratt & Whitney PW306D1 engines provide a 2,700-nautical-mile range with four passengers on board.

If you’re looking to purchase a new business jet, it’s difficult to go wrong with the best-selling Latitude or the new-to-market Longitude. However, it’s important you choose the aircraft that best fits your needs and budget.

Perhaps a preowned Cessna is a better option for you. Wherever you are in the buying process, a professional aircraft broker can help you sort out all the details to find the right new or preowned jet for you or your business.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet.

You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

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Gulfstream G550

G550 Leads the Large-Cabin Set

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The Gulfstream G550 has garnered plenty of admiration, including the esteemed Robert J. Collier Trophy. What makes this aircraft such a success?

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From a pilot’s point of view, the Gulfstream G550 cockpit systems serve up every bit of information needed to fly the aircraft on the standard Head-Up Display (HUD). According to Gulfstream, the display includes an infrared imaging system that can help pilots effectively navigate through fog and other visual obscurities. The PlaneView avionics system delivers tremendous viewing area and, coupled with the HUD and enhanced vision system, has proven the G550 a very reliable, capable airplane.

While the cockpit is a delight, the G550 didn’t need big improvements to reduce drag and increase range because Gulfstream engineers tackled the last bit of drag reduction with the prototypes. Those enhancements, along with fuel efficiency improvements, allowed G550 pilots to show the jet’s long-range capability in October 2003 when they set the new distance record for a business jet by flying the G550 7,301 nautical miles from Seoul, South Korea, to Orlando, Florida.

According to the Flying magazine article, distinguishing features of the G550 include

  • 14 signature oval windows,
  • a 100%-fresh air system that eliminates the health risks of recycled air systems,
  • 6,750-nautical-mile range, and
  • 51,000-foot maximum cruise altitude.

The natural light, fresh air, and low altitude create a uniquely comfortable environment and significantly reduce jet lag.

Getting the right jet at the right price and knowing exactly what you’re buying is what a business jet broker does every day. Put our team’s knowledge to work for you.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet.
You can reach our sales specialists today at, or call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313.
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Introducing the Latest Gulfstream: the G500

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Gulfstream G500Riding on the tailwind of a highly successful year, Gulfstream’s smash-hit G650 is followed by a new aircraft, the Gulfstream 500, or G500. While the G650 made use of remarkable new technologies and continuing development with customer input, Gulfstream designers are proving once again that they can deliver what business flyers really want.

High-flying debut

The G500 made its first cross-country trip at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas in November. The Gulfstream test pilots flew from Savannah, Georgia, into 75-knot headwinds and still accomplished the 1,630 nautical-mile flight in just 4 hours, 36 minutes.

Averaging a speed of Mach 0.85 and an altitude of 45,000 feet, the G500 is proving to be the fastest- and highest-flying aircraft to come from the Gulfstream development team yet.

Practical efficiency

Some facts about the Gulfstream 500:

  • Maximum range is 5,000 nautical miles
  • Maximum operating speed (Mach) is 0.925
  • Maximum cruising altitude is 51,000 feet

The width and height of the aircraft give it the optimal size and shape for speed, maneuverability, and fuel efficiency, while being large enough to carry up to 19 passengers. Fresh air, 100% replenished every two minutes, keeps the cabin refreshing; and the pressurized interior (to no more than 4,850 feet) significantly reduces jet lag.

Comfortable luxury

Of course, the G500 wouldn’t be a Gulfstream if it didn’t include sublime levels of comfort.

  • Panoramic windows allow for captivating views and plenty of natural light.
  • Cabin seats are equipped with built-in storage and touch-screen entertainment.
  • Exceptional baggage volume includes fold-down shelving that can be individually configured.
  • Hand-stitched leather, silk, or cashmere carpet and wood veneers complete the look.

Two additions to the Gulfstream 500 flight-test program are now undergoing rigorous testing. Certification is expected to be complete in 2017 and the first deliveries available in 2018.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1.305.754.3313, or visit us online.

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Meet Acro’s Award-Winning In-Arm Tray Table

Tray TableAt the Aircraft Interiors Expo in November, Acro Aircraft Seating of the United Kingdom will be showing off its award-winning in-arm tray table. The table seat was recognized as a Crystal Cabin Award Finalist in 2013 and is now certified and flying. This innovative design is one of many from Acro that showcases the company’s formula for simplicity and innovative design.

Acro developed the in-arm tray table to address the shortcomings of the typical tray table design: Many tray tables are bulky, take up precious passenger space (which is always in short supply), and break easily. Not only is Acro’s in-arm tray table self-cleaning, but it’s also lightweight and line-replaceable in less than a minute. Best of all, it improves passenger comfort and visual appeal, as there is no need for the conventional, annoying tray-table closure. Also, the added benefit of cleansing ease improves efficiency for the operator. This innovation is in good company among the certified lightweight, robust, and comfortable economy seating solutions Acro continues to develop for regional, legacy, low-cost, and traditional carriers around the world.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1.305.754.3313, or visit us online.

How to Spot Illegal Charter Services

Businessman talking on a mobile phone at the airportGot a friend with a private jet you can borrow? It seems like a good idea: The aircraft is available, has a crew well-known by the owners, and costs significantly less than standard charter rates. But you’re not just doing a favor, you’re acting as a charter service — and doing so without the proper credentials is illegal.

The bizav community dubs these flights “Part 134 1/2″ in reference to the FAA’s Part 135 rules that regulate charter operations and air charter operators. While no statistical evidence exists to expose the extent of the practice, experts readily agree that illegal charters are commonplace.

Of course, the truth is that most of these flights occur without incident, so the likelihood of their discovery is limited. Plus, airports are businesses, and when they sell fuel, maintenance, and other qualified services to jet owners, they’re hesitant to report suspected illegal charters.

What’s the risk in friends helping friends?

Illegal charters are fraught with the potential for risk:

  • Lack of oversight means less safety — If you’re flying on an illegal charter, realize that the pilot and jet owner are acting illegally, which could put you at risk.
  • Lack of accountability per the FAA — When flights aren’t regulated, risk factors go up.
  • Less stringent training and potentially less skill — This is a case of “getting what you pay for,” and in some cases the pilot may have less skill and training.
  • Less security around aircraft maintenance — If the operator is already engaging in illegal activity, are you confident in the aircraft’s maintenance?
  • Less drug and alcohol testing — There is potential for unregulated crews.
  • Less flight experience — Some pilots use illegal charters to get more flight time, but wouldn’t you prefer to have a fully qualified and experienced pilot?
  • Less insurance coverage — If the charter is illegal, you have limited recourse in an accident.

Protecting yourself from illegal charters

To minimize your risk of booking an illegal charter, follow these simple steps:

  1. Use your common sense. Extremely low prices are a warning sign because legitimate charter operators carry proper operating costs.
  2. Ask questions. A legitimate operator will readily provide its certificate number and tail number.
  3. Book through trusted sites. You can cut through the smoke and mirrors by working with trusted charter operators.

Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to a worry-free private flight.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at 305-754-3313, or visit us online.

Introducing the Latest Gulfstream: the G500

Gulfstream G500Riding on the tailwind of a highly successful year, Gulfstream’s smash-hit G650 is followed by a new aircraft, the Gulfstream 500, or G500. While the G650 made use of remarkable new technologies and continuing development with customer input, Gulfstream designers are proving once again that they can deliver what business flyers really want.

High-flying debut

The G500 made its first cross-country trip at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas in November. The Gulfstream test pilots flew from Savannah, Georgia, into 75-knot headwinds and still accomplished the 1,630 nautical-mile flight in just 4 hours, 36 minutes.

Averaging a speed of Mach 0.85 and an altitude of 45,000 feet, the G500 is proving to be the fastest- and highest-flying aircraft to come from the Gulfstream development team yet.

Practical efficiency

Some facts about the Gulfstream 500:

  • Maximum range is 5,000 nautical miles
  • Maximum operating speed (Mach) is 0.925
  • Maximum cruising altitude is 51,000 feet

The width and height of the aircraft give it the optimal size and shape for speed, maneuverability, and fuel efficiency, while being large enough to carry up to 19 passengers. Fresh air, 100% replenished every two minutes, keeps the cabin refreshing; and the pressurized interior (to no more than 4,850 feet) significantly reduces jet lag.

Comfortable luxury

Of course, the G500 wouldn’t be a Gulfstream if it didn’t include sublime levels of comfort.

  • Panoramic windows allow for captivating views and plenty of natural light.
  • Cabin seats are equipped with built-in storage and touch-screen entertainment.
  • Exceptional baggage volume includes fold-down shelving that can be individually configured.
  • Hand-stitched leather, silk, or cashmere carpet and wood veneers complete the look.

Two additions to the Gulfstream 500 flight-test program are now undergoing rigorous testing. Certification is expected to be complete in 2017 and the first deliveries available in 2018.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1.305.754.3313, or visit us online.