Aviation News

Bombardier is Now a Standalone Private Aviation Company

With the sale of its transportation unit to French rail company Alstom, Bombardier is now a private aviation company. Well, it’s always been a private aviation company, but now that’s specifically what it is.

Looking to pare down debt and focus on its core business, Bombardier has set its sights on continued dominance of several segments of private aviation. Now, saddled with no small amount of debt and a clear focus ahead, Bombardier looks to take flight in an industry it knows better than any of its divested segments.

A clear predicament to overcome

With the sale to Alstom, Bombardier is looking to make a dent in its debt. This sale netted the company over $3.6 billion in profit, but still leaves them with over $4.7 billion in debt. At the same time, it completes the company’s transition to a pure-play business aviation company. The move is best summed up by Bombardier president and CEO Eric Martel:

“With this transaction now complete, Bombardier begins an exciting new chapter focused exclusively on designing, building, and servicing the world’s best business jets”

What does this mean for the future of business aviation?

As the world begins to see light at the end of the tunnel in terms of the global pandemic, Bombardier and other private aviation companies are looking to the future. Business travel is expected to rebound in the last half of 2021, signaling that the need for jets could surpass pre-pandemic levels. If this turns out to be the case, demand for business jets will be strong.

Perhaps the biggest lesson to take from the pandemic is to expect the unexpected. If the business jet market takes a turn for the worse, Bombardier will have to make serious adjustments to their new business strategy. Canadian taxpayers are tired of bailing the company out, forcing the company to rethink their model or rely on hedge fund investors to help them get through lean times.

The business jet industry tends to be cyclical, though, so there’s a good chance Bombardier could see strong sales and outperform others in the industry during upcycles. As a leader in ultra-long-range jets and other business jet segments, Bombardier already has a great reputation to fall back on. An upswing in the market is really what’s needed to help it erase the red on its balance sheet.

Pure play in pursuit of profits

Strong sales would help Bombardier shed its massive debt. The major bright spot in Bombardier’s portfolio is the Global 7500 and other next-gen jets. There’s a clear demand for these jets, in particular the Global 7500 — the industry’s largest and longest-range business jet. The quicker Bombardier is able to make good on deliveries of these jets, the easier it will be to emerge from debt.

In addition, thanks to the sale of Bombardier’s other transportation holdings, they’ve been able to significantly reduce their debt. But there’s still quite a way to go until this aviation giant is back in the black. Its recent pure-play shift suggests a bet on the end of the pandemic. Only time will tell if it pays off.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 Turbofans Under Scrutiny

Boeing’s name is in the news yet again for critical aviation failure; however, this time, it’s not their fault. The global fleet of Boeing 777 commercial jets is grounded due to an airworthiness directive focused on the Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 turbofan engines powering them. At least two recent cases of catastrophic engine failure have been reported in the last few months, causing the FAA to step in and investigate.

On February 21, 2021, United Airlines Flight 328 suffered catastrophic engine failure on its Boeing 777 jet. During a flight from Denver to Honolulu, the cowling surrounding the right Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 engine fell off. While the jet was able to land safely, investigators immediately began searching for the cause of the failure, focusing on the engine’s fan blades. Initial inspections found damage to several blades.

An all-too-familiar problem

This isn’t the first time a Boeing 777 equipped with Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 turbofans has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. In 2018, a similar situation occurred with the same model of airplane, operated by United Airlines. In this instance, “the National Transportation Safety Board’s initial inspection found one blade fractured at the root, an adjacent blade fractured at about mid-span, and a portion of one embedded in the containment ring. The remainder of the blades showed damage to the tips and leading edges.”

After investigation, the fractured fan blade was believed to be the cause of the engine failure. Investigators found deficiencies in Pratt & Whitney’s thermal acoustic imaging inspection process that led to technicians misdiagnosing problems with the fan blades. While planes carrying the Boeing name are grounded, the problem clearly rests with the Pratt & Whitney engines.

A closer look at the PW4000-112 turbofan engine

The Pratt & Whitney PW4000-112 turbofan engines have been powering planes since 1995. Although this engine has recently been in the news due to the incidents described above, it has a generally good record of reliability.

This ultra-high-thrust engine serves jets in the 74,000 to 90,000 pound-thrust class. It’s known for high efficiency and low noise and holds up well to foreign object damage. 777s equipped with these engines have best-in-class reliability statistics due to its excellent design and rigorous testing.

Incidentally, it’s the engines’ design that could be the cause of recent problems with planes equipped with the PW4000-112. Initial inquiry indicates fatigue in the failed fan blades. These blades fractured during flight and flew out, taking out the engines cowling with them. While the investigation is ongoing, it’s safe to say that inspectors will be looking closely at the fan blade components of PW4000-112 engines.

Since the 2018 incident, the FAA has recommended rigorous thermal acoustic imaging inspection for all PW4000-112 engines. Investigators believe that this inspection process was insufficient, leading to the grounding of all 777s in the U.S. that are equipped with these engines.

Concerns for private aviation?

While the PW4000-112 is exclusive to Boeing 777 jets, Pratt & Whitney offers a full range of highly reliable engines for private aviation airframes, including PW800, PW600, PW500 and PW300 turbofans. These engines have a history of reliability and excellent fuel efficiency. They’re designed with sustainability and have an excellent record of safety with lower maintenance requirements than engines made by competitors.

Although recent incidents are alarming, they’re relegated to the PW4000-12 engine models. Pratt & Whitney engines have a long history of reliability, efficiency, and sustainability. They set the standard for commercial and private air travel, offering superior performance and a high level of comfort for passengers.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at sales@L-Lint.com, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

New Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 Engine Test Runs 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Critics of private aviation often cite the high emissions of business jets as a catalyst for climate effects. And although there have been innovations in the form of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), most legacy jets are capped at certain low levels of SAF. Until now. Famed aviation engine maker Rolls Royce has reported a highly successful test run of its new Pearl 700 engine, using 100% SAF. It’s a critical milestone to a more sustainable future for private aviation.

On February 1, 2021, Rolls Royce reported promising results from the first tests of 100% SAF in a business jet engine. This test represents the trend in the industry toward reducing carbon emissions, with a goal to reach net zero carbon by 2050. Researchers tested the Rolls Royce Pearl 700 engine and saw very promising results that could lead to eventual fuel certification and greener air travel.

Source rolls-royce.com

What’s the fuss about sustainable aviation fuels?

The main driver of the current level of interest in these fuels is their ability to significantly reduce carbon emissions of jet engines. SAF has a much higher energy density than regular fuel, dramatically increasing engine efficiency. The result is higher payload conditions or extended range, which is critically important for business jets traversing the globe.

SAF can reduce CO2 lifecycle emissions by more than 75 percent compared to the conventional jet fuel it replaces. It’s clear that SAF plays an important role when it comes to reducing the aviation industry’s overall impact on the environment.

Barriers stand between SAF and legacy engines

Even when taking the major environmental benefits of SAF into account, there are reasons private jet owners aren’t ditching conventional fuel for a greener option. Unfortunately, legacy engines can’t handle 100% SAF fuels — yet.

Many legacy jets can’t support SAF blends above 50%. They’re only able to recognize the SAF as “fuel” if it’s nearly identical in chemical composition to regular petroleum-based options. That’s just not possible yet with 100% SAF. While using any amount of SAF fuels is great for the environment, the aviation industry needs to get to a point where 100% SAF becomes the norm.

Source rolls-royce.com

Enter: The Rolls Royce Pearl 700 engine

The Rolls Royce Pearl 700 engine represents the next great hope for sustainable air travel. It’s a highly efficient engine that combines the Advance2 engine core with a new low-pressure system. Extensive testing shows that this engine is able to perform extremely well while using 100% SAF. Researchers saw a marked increase in take-off thrust, as well as an improved thrust-to-weight ratio.

With such promising performance, the Rolls Royce Pearl 700 demonstrates the possibilities of using 100% SAF as a full “drop-in” option. In other words, a complete replacement of petroleum-based fuels.

Although more testing is required, aviation insiders are seeing the possibilities of environmentally friendly jet travel once this fuel is fully certified.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet.  Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Biden Taps Pete Buttigieg as Transportation Secretary: What it Means for BizAV

As the Biden administration cements itself on Capitol Hill, the incoming president has begun nominating officials to various high positions within the cabinet. Among them is Pete Buttigieg, President Biden’s pick for Transportation Secretary. The choice has been lauded by both sides of the aisle and is a welcome one for the private aviation industry as a whole. Buttigieg’s logical, progressive stances bode well for a private aviation industry on the cusp of new innovation and opportunities.

Mayor Pete is a welcome addition

Buttigieg, the former Mayor of South Bend, IN, is a logical pick for Transportation Secretary. His claim to a transportation position rests in his work in Indiana, where he pioneered two-way traffic patterns that improved safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike. His experience with infrastructure is a boon to the position, and he called infrastructure investment “part and parcel of economic recovery.”

For private aviation, there’s even more to love about Mayor Pete. His approach, when asked about regulation, will likely be technocratic, putting standards and practices in the hands of the engineers and aviation officials who understand their industry best. For example, in regard to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reforms, Buttigieg said he remained committed and that “we need to make sure the engineers at the FAA are in the driver’s seat.”

Open-minded transportation in a pivotal time

Buttigieg’s position over the next four years coincides with what could be a time of fruition for a number of important aviation projects — namely those in the realm of private aviation.

The biggest is the ever-burgeoning rollout of urban unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) — air taxis in major metropolitan areas. Several companies are on the verge of bringing their craft to cities in a limited capacity, and support in the highest levels of government would allow them to do that more efficiently. Buttigieg’s emphasis on infrastructure restoration could be key in UAV deployment, as he seeks to modernize decades-old infrastructure.

The supersonic corridor is an important coming-to-fruition project as well. Although it’s already received approval, continued support from the Transportation Secretary could expedite the development and deployment of supersonic jets. Buttigieg’s support also would lend credence to the project, which still faces skepticism from environmentalists.

Buttigieg’s history with private aviation

Outside of his new role as Transportation Secretary, Buttigieg is no stranger to the benefits and convenience of private aviation. As reported by the Associated Press, Buttigieg far outstripped other democrats in spend on private air travel during his short tenure as a candidate in 2019. His familiarity and comfort with charters is a gateway to understanding and supporting them in his new position.

A bright future for private aviation ahead

Pete Buttigieg’s progressive approach, technocratic mindset, and firsthand familiarity with private aviation all ties together in a Transportation Secretary pick that comes at the right time. With major advances coming to private air travel, government is gaining someone who understands them and whose policies support them. As the next few years unfold, we can expect positive traction for the big issues in private aviation.

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at sales@L-Lint.com, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

What Brexit Means for Private Aviation in 2021 and Beyond

Brexit may have been the big headline in January 2020, but the coronavirus pandemic has delayed much of its effects thus far as the U.K. has begun detangling itself from the European Union (EU). Now, a year later, with a hard Brexit avoided, the separation is picking up speed. New regulations are going into effect and new practices are rolling out — including several that have already disrupted transportation to and from Britain. The aviation industry is looking on intently, including private aviation. What does Brexit have in store for new air travel regulations?

How Brexit has disrupted air travel

Back when the prospect of a hard Brexit was a near-certainty, private aviation companies were planning for the worst. With that struggle avoided, many of the biggest uncertainties of private air travel went with it. But not all of them. Several issues persist that could make navigating the skies troublesome for private charters.

  • Air routing changes have already brought up questions of cabotage. Now, there are questions as to whether U.K. pilots will be allowed to operate internal charters in EU countries. Consequently, British pilots will be Third Country Operators in EU airspace, requiring them to obtain European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Third Country Operator Approval.
  • Aircraft importation could become tricky for an isolated Britain. According to early-draft regulations, “any aircraft imported via the U.K. for free circulation within the EU will potentially lose access to that free circulation.”
  • U.K. charter permits are going to be crucial and more difficult to get on short notice. Without a block charter agreement in place, charters will need to apply on a trip-by-trip basis. This could change with an addendum to the Open Skies Agreement in the EU, but it’s not a guarantee.

There are additional changes to consider, as well — including simple, yet important restrictions like the need for both U.K. and EU pet passports for pets inbound to Europe. Overlooking minor considerations like this could end in fines or even a charter turned away, forced to return to its point of origin.

Britain needs to figure it out fast

Unfortunately, the solution to most question marks regarding British charters rests with Blighty. EU air traffic will continue on as it always has with few disruptions (if any) between member countries. Britain is forced to reestablish its own control over the airways — which means reevaluating some aviation guidelines that haven’t been re-tooled since WWII.

The good news is that much of the foundational infrastructure the EASA stands on today was developed in large part with British help in the mid-2000s. Britain’s island status also means there’s a conglomeration of aviation knowledge within its borders. Pundits expect aviation and air regulation to be one of the earliest solutions to come to fruition in a post-Brexit economy.

Air travel troubles won’t last

Individuals flying privately from London to Paris or Berlin to London may have to deal with some regulatory turbulence in the early days of Brexit. That said, experts believe the setbacks and patchwork solutions will quickly lead to permanent fixes. While the jarring adjustment period of Brexit will likely linger for years to come, private charters should expect to fly smooth soon enough.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

How Fast Will a Transatlantic Flight be in the Coming Supersonic Age?

There are lots of factors that affect the duration of a transatlantic flight. Taking off from a major hub like New York or Atlanta and arriving in London or Paris can take between six and eight hours. Weather can increase or expedite the time, as can the time of day and the activity of the jet stream. One thing’s for certain: you’re going to spend roughly the equivalent to a workday aloft, from takeoff to touchdown. It’s an accepted truth, but one that could be changing for the better very soon.

A new transatlantic bar

Earlier this year, a British Airways passenger flight flew into the history books. On its routine voyage from New York to London, the Boeing 747-436 settled in a fast-moving jet stream courtesy of Storm Ciara. Pushed along by the powerful gusts of wind, the Boeing reached peak speeds of 825 miles per hour, roughly 50 miles faster than the speed of sound and nearly 200 miles an hour faster than the average commercial flight across the Atlantic. The entire flight took just four hours and fifty-six minutes.

Experts on the subject hailed the flight as achieving a “phenomenal speed.” The Boeing’s peak speed is, indeed, impressive, but it’s nothing compared to what could be on the horizon.

Building on history

It wasn’t too long ago that clients were hopping between continents on the Concorde, a supersonic passenger plane that made the Transatlantic trip in three-and-a-half hours. Despite boasting breakneck speeds and the esteem of exclusive clientele, the Concorde wasn’t much more than fast.

Although former clients rave about the experience, they uniformly agree that the Concorde was cramped and noisy. Some proclaimed that, though there was a lavatory on board, it was too small to use. Beyond the Concorde’s famous cuisine, the only real amenity on the craft was a signed certificate of proof you flew on the vessel.

Prohibitively high maintenance costs combined with increasing concerns over the craft’s environmental impact led to the Concorde’s 2003 retirement. The demise of the Concorde has done little to dampen inventors’ enthusiasm for supersonic flight. A new age is dawning, one where flight speed records are in jeopardy of being smashed.


Virgin galactic has entered the chat

In August, Virgin Galactic entered the supersonic jet race. The company’s proposal would seat just 19 people (as opposed to the Concorde’s 100) and travel at more than 60,000 feet. The goal would be to make a transatlantic jump in just 90 minutes. Reps from Virgin Galactic underscored that their supersonic jet would not produce the same pollution that made the Concorde infamous. In fact, the thing Virgin Galactic’s Chief Space Officer seemed proudest of was the notion that the supersonic jet would run on sustainable aviation fuel.

Virgin Galactic isn’t the only company chasing an environmentally friendly supersonic jet. Aerion’s AS2 will rival the Concorde’s speed, cruising at Mach 1.4. The AS2, however, will kick up the exclusivity. It only seats 10.

Those creature comforts aside, the most astonishing claim made by Aerion is its boast that the AS2 will be carbon-neutral from day one. Said Aerion CEO Tom Vice, “We don’t believe that speed and protection of our environment need to be mutually exclusive.”

Paving the road

It will still be a few years before supersonic jets become readily available, but we can dream. In the meantime, there is still a world of possibilities in private aircraft for traversing the transatlantic flight at top speeds. And, if you catch the right gust, you may find yourself touching down hours ahead of schedule!

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

The ACJ320neo is Redefining Corporate Jet Interiors

A full master bedroom suite. A marble sink. Original artwork. No, we’re not talking about an upscale apartment in Manhattan — we’re talking about the ACJ320neo: the new gold standard for luxury flying. Opulent, spacious, grandiose, and breathtaking are just a few of the words you might use to describe this recommissioned Airbus A320. To really do it justice, you might just have to stand there, mouth agape, taking it all in. Words simply don’t do it justice.

With great power comes great luxury

The world is getting smaller every day. High-powered executives and heads of state are expected to travel enormous distances in the blink of an eye. Of course, the world doesn’t stop turning because you’re in transit. These same people need to stay on the job or recharge their batteries while heading from point A to point B. That’s the problem Acropolis Aviation will address with the G-KELT, their first completed ACJ320neo, a line of opulent recommissioned commercial aircraft.

The ACJ320neo is designed to be all things to all travelers: fully equipped office, luxury suite, first-class restaurant, and home away from home. To make it happen, designers implemented some exciting technological updates to match an interior that’s fit for royalty.

If Buckingham palace could fly

When perusing the features onboard the ACJ320neo, it’s impossible not to think you’ve stepped into the future. Keeping your mouth from watering is also a bit difficult.

  • Flowing design: The cabin of the ACJ320neo is designed to emulate flowing sand dunes and rivers. The result is a relaxing space that’s perfect for catching up on your sleep.
  • The NEO effect: The “neo” tag on this beasts’ name is more than just slick marketing. It means the ACJ320neo sports 15% less fuel burn, 15% less cabin altitude, and the ability to fly more than 1,700 nautical miles farther than a traditional A320.
  • Flawless connection: To help you keep in touch, the ACJ320neo comes equipped with high-speed Internet access.
  • Stand tall: With the industry’s widest and tallest interior, the ACJ320neo boasts 15% more cabin volume than the closest competitor.
  • Go anywhere: The ACJ320neo is capable of a 6,000-mile flight in one jump. That’s the equivalent of flying from London to Beijing in a single trip.

With the ACJ320neo, you won’t miss a single creature comfort while you’re traveling. Indeed, you might miss some of the ACJ320neo’s amenities while you’re home!

Source: airbus.com

A grand tradition

The ACJ320neo is the latest Airbus to raise the bar on spacious private jets. It’s a competition that major commercial manufacturers have waged for years.

Sometimes it’s for a specific customer. Saudi Arabia’s Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal owns two luxury jets. The first is a refitted 747. The second is a Custom Airbus A380 that totaled $500 million by the time they finished the concert hall and Turkish bath.

Other times, aircraft are created for specific purposes. Take the world’s most expensive private jet: Air Force One, which cost approximately $660 million. Of course, Air Force One’s budget focuses less on solid-gold fixtures (like those found in the Sultan of Brunei’s plane) and more on being able to survive a nuclear blast.

Fly the Custom Skies

More than anything, the ACJ320neo proves there is more ground to be broken in the world of private flight. With bold new entries like Acropolis Aviation’s G-KELT, the ripple of innovation will be felt at every echelon of the personal aircraft industry.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Summer Vacations are Still on for Private Jetsetters

Demand for private aviation during times of unsafe travel is well-documented. Even as recently as the start of the coronavirus pandemic, people have had no trouble booking private charters simply to avoid getting on a commercial flight. Now, we might see another spike in demand — this time due to vacationers.

Although there are still heavy restrictions on travel and little confidence in commercial air travel, private aviation has emerged as a smart way to vacation safely. And while it might mean tacking an extra zero onto your vacation budget, for many, it’s well-worth the price for a much-needed getaway.

Travelling in the middle of a pandemic

Summer has brought a fresh wave of charter inquiries, and they’re all from a new type of customer. Charters like Flexjet and Magellan Jets have witnessed a spike in demand from vacationers due to health concerns amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. People who have the money are desperate to get out of their homes and are willing to pay a hefty price for the sake of avoiding crowded commercial airlines. Private charters took a hit from the pandemic, yet they’ve broken last year’s record for acquisition of new clients.

The coronavirus pandemic ushered in a financial crisis different from the rest. Normally, flyers would save thousands of dollars by going commercial. But in the midst of shattered economies, vacationers are willing to dish out a few extra bucks to stay safe on a private jet. Charters are well aware of this and have begun enticing vacationers with affordable membership programs — from discounted jet cards to pay-as-you-fly rates and even pay-now, fly-later discounts.

Winter destinations and private beaches

Vacationers want more than private flight accommodations — they’re looking for the whole package. Social distancing requirements are pushing clients to visit places normally considered winter destinations. Residents of Florida and Texas are travelling north to ski towns in Colorado to avoid crowds and enjoy the mountainous landscape. National parks like Yellowstone and Glacier are popular destinations for social distancing as well.

Flyers can truly get away from it all with countless vacation spots around the world. Musha Cay Resort is located in the Bahamas and boasts five separate villas, each with their own private beach. Private jets arrive directly on-site thanks to an airstrip at one of the many private islands in Copperfield Bay. Sweet Bocas in Panama offers a villa in the middle of gorgeous waters and connects to its own private island, also private jet accessible.

Private aviation remains strong

New clients search for remote destinations while the usual summer hotspots have yet to reopen. Even though some popular vacation spots are hosting a soft reopening, travelers are hesitant to visit cities and other places with heavy foot traffic due to ongoing social distance requirements. Villas and hotel buyouts are favored alternatives for people who want to visit extended relatives in privacy.

Cruises and commercial flights aren’t great options right now. But private vacations are still possible for those desperate to get out of the house. And with deals like jet sharing and cheap flight cards, now is the best time for vacationers to take a trip in their very own private jet. It all adds up to a revitalization of the private aviation industry, one flight at a time.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

Honeywell Sets its Sights on Autonomous Flight

Honeywell is already a household name in avionics. Now, the company is hoping to become an even bigger player in a massive market with yet-untapped potential: autonomous flight. While companies like Google’s Waymo are working to build fully autonomous ground vehicles, Honeywell is throwing its proverbial hat into the ring and working to bring that same technology to the skies. Borrowing concepts from its four-wheeled counterparts, Honeywell is attempting to teach light aircraft how to take off and land without any pilot intervention.

The future is autonomous

Honeywell isn’t the only corporation with its eyes set on urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft. They’re partnering with Vertical Aerospace, Volocopter, and others to make the dream of autonomous flying a reality. Autonomous aircraft would give private aviation companies a shorter turnaround time and reduce (or eliminate) the workload for pilots, ensuring a safer flying experience. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) also would revolutionize private jets and cargo drone operations in urban environments.

It’ll be a while before commercial airlines get their hands on autonomous technology. Honeywell favors eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) vehicles for flight testing and sees a future rife with UAV potential — one where executives forego crowded terminals and fly straight to their destination in a UAV that lands on city rooftops.

Inside look at Honeywell’s operations

Honeywell has chosen the remote desert of Phoenix to set up camp. Their aircraft of choice is an Airbus AS350 equipped with cameras and sensors that detect QR codes on a landing pad. This technological strategy guides the helicopter toward a safe location without human interference.

Source: honeywell.com

The industrial conglomerate has experience with programming autopilot and intends to use this advantage to advance in the untapped UAV market. Honeywell and their partners are working exclusively with eVTOL aircraft for testing takeoff and landing features. The primary goal of the operation is to collect sensor data to further refine the capabilities of these sensors to act and react to their surroundings.

When will the future arrive?

The race has begun to see which manufacturer will announce the industry’s first autonomous aircraft. Once UAVs are approved for the market, private aviation companies can expect a surge of interest from new and recurring customers. Autonomous aircraft could turn out to be the financial boost charters need as they recover from the pandemic.

Developers at Honeywell are working fast to create a takeoff and landing demonstration by the summer of 2021. With a fully autonomous eVTOL vehicle, Honeywell can achieve large strides toward a UAV model that may become available to the market in subsequent years. When that happens, private jets with autonomous capabilities will be the next hottest trend in aviation. After all, it’s a market projected to garner as much as $120 billion by 2030!

Contact the experts at L & L International if you need assistance acquiring or selling a private jet. You can reach our sales specialists today at sales@L-Lint.com, call us any time at +1 (305) 754-3313, or visit us online.

Gulfstream’s G550 is Officially Out of Production

Much like the original Game Boy or the 1950s Volkswagen Beetle, some of the most iconic products ever created eventually retire, paving the way for bigger and better versions. That time has come for one of the most iconic jets ever created: the Gulfstream G550. Production on this industry-leading jet will stop after a final order, set to be delivered in 2021. It’s the end of an era, and it’s worth looking back to see exactly why the Gulfstream G550 stayed at the top of its class for so long.

A bittersweet farewell to the G550

Gulfstream is looking toward a future that promises continuous innovation. In order to focus their attention on creating bigger and better aircraft, they’ve decided to officially end production of the G550 in 2021. But Gulfstream isn’t scrapping the model for good. Its most popular features are here to stay in the new lineup.

Since 2003, the Gulfstream G550 has broken records (55!) for top speeds and set the standard for subsequent generations. The plane’s developers received the 2003 Robert J. Collier Trophy for industry-leading innovations and the newest safety technology. The legacy of Gulfstream’s G550 lives on through newer models, which boast the best in range, safety, and innovation.

Best in the fleet

The G550 has become an industry leader for innovation and reliability. Gulfstream’s 2003 model is best known for introducing the PlaneView flight deck. It allows for greater visibility and reduces the overall workload for pilots. This streamlined control center is one of Gulfstream’s most renowned safety features to date. The G550 has an Enhanced Flight Vision System for additional safety while landing.

The award-winning aircraft also has the best specs in Gulfstream’s fleet. Its Rolls-Royce engines carry passengers at a maximum range of 6,750 NM with the lowest possible amount of fuel. A high payload allows for up to 19 passengers with panoramic views in four different living spaces.

Descendants of the G550

The G550 kick started Gulfstream’s prestigious seat in the private aviation industry. Now, it’s time to give newer models the spotlight. The G550 was a pioneer in its time, and its legacy continues to serve passengers through Gulfstream’s G650ER and new generations of the G500 and G600.

Gulfstream currently has more than 600 G550’s in service and will continue providing assistance to their owners. Even though production is set to end in 2021, more than 30 service centers around the world will remain open for maintenance and to distribute G550 parts. And don’t worry, there are still plenty of serviceable G550’s around for those who can’t get enough of its industry-leading ingenuity!

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at sales@L-Lint.com, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.