
What’s Your Flight Weather?

Jet in a dark stormy skyAs the seasons change, we are reminded that weather can have a big impact on air travel. Commercial and even charter air travel are prone to costly disruptions that cause significant problems for passengers. However, private jets have a few advantages when it comes to weather changes.

How weather affects air travel

If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ve probably experienced some interesting weather conditions. Here are the main ways weather affects air travel:

  • Fog — Heavy, moisture-laden, and low-lying clouds ensure poor visibility and pose a risk for runway landings and takeoffs. When fog limits visibility, a private jet pilot can divert to an alternative nearby airport with better conditions.
  • Snow/Ice — When snow and slush aren’t plowed off runways, more distance is required to safely take off and land. The formation of ice on a plane can also be problematic, as it can change the aircraft’s shape and disrupt air flows. While commercial flights are typically forced to wait for better conditions, private jets have the ability to take off and land at alternative airports that have not been affected, or access hangar facilities to deice their aircraft.
  • Tropical storms — Hurricanes, cyclones, and tropical depressions can combine  a wide range of conditions such as strong wind, rain, hail, and lighting, and cause poor visibility. Private jet pilots have more alternatives, such as the ability to gain clearance to fly around storms or even depart ahead of schedule to avoid a storm all together.

Why flying private in bad weather wins

The demand for flights on private aircraft usually increases during times of bad weather for a reason. Obviously, extreme weather will impact private aviation but not to the same extent as commercial aviation. In fact, the big “wins” for flying private include these:

  • More airport choices — A slight change in location can make a big difference in weather conditions and temperature, and private jets can take advantage of alternative airports easily.
  • Schedule flexibility — Travelers can wait out poor conditions or leave a location early to get ahead of bad weather. You can’t get that flexibility with commercial flights.

Of course, the advantages of flying private mean it’s important to plan flexibility into your travel schedule when changing weather conditions could cause you delays. Luckily, you can easily move your business meeting onto the plane, if necessary, and conduct it in privacy and comfort.

Contact L & L International if you need assistance in purchasing or selling a private jet. 
You can reach our sales specialists today at, call us any time at +1.305.754.3313, or visit us online.

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