
The Safest Way to Fly with Your Pets

For many pet owners, furry companions are family. This makes travel challenging, especially when faced with the danger and uncertainty of commercial airlines’ pet regulations.

Although you think of your pets as family, they are cargo to commercial airlines operators. As such, larger animals are often placed in the cargo hold, where temperatures can fluctuate drastically, the noise level is very high, and pressure levels can drop significantly. These conditions can be stressful and unsafe for even the healthiest pets.

Although two million animals travel on commercial flights each year, the statistics about the animals’ safety are scary: In 2011, the U.S. Department of Transportation reports that 35 pets died, nine animals were injured, and two were lost entirely while traveling on commercial flights with U.S. airline companies. In 2012, 29 pets died, 26 were injured, and one was lost.

Faced with these numbers, the benefits of traveling by private jet are considerable. First, travel time is much shorter and less stressful for private aircraft travelers of all species. In addition, animals that can stay in the pressure-controlled, temperature-regulated cabin with you nearby will be better able to cope with the general stress of travelling.

To be sure your pets have the best possible experience traveling by private aircraft, take these considerations into account before your trip:

  • Flying, even in the comfort of a private jet, can still be hard on pets. Talk to your vet about making the trip as stress-free as possible before you go airborne. Also make sure that you have a copy of your pets’ vaccination records.
  • Make your pets comfortable on board. Don’t overfeed them before the trip, and bring toys or other comfort objects from home.
  • Make sure you’re considerate of other passengers by keeping pet etiquette in mind. If you’re chartering a flight, ask your broker to alert the staff that your furry family will also be along for the ride.

If you’re truly interested in providing an easy travel experience for your pets, consider a service like Sit ‘n Stay Global. This company provides corporate pet flight attendants whose focus is getting your pet to and from your destination safely and comfortably.

When your pets fly private, you can stop worrying about their safety and enjoy the trip!

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