
Holiday Over For Charter Jets

Many people increase their travel in and around the holidays.  This means good news not only for the commercial travel industry but for the private and business aviation as well.  The travel increase means that for most charter companies that provide jet travel saw an increase in their booked flights and saw prices increase a little.  Now that the holiday season is over and we are going back to the status quo in the world of private travel,  In fact it has been reported that private charter flights are now down 50% from this time last month.  Charter flights are down and the bookings of that type of travel has gone back to pre-holiday levels.  It is nice to know that people are still booking at the previous level.

Further good news is that prices are not only staying current but might have had some of an upswing in charter jet prices.  The global price index was stated by Avinode at 97.37 and that is up almost a point from this time last month.  We here in the North American market may not have the same increase s prices for charter flights were seen as “softened”.  Hopefully, we will see increased usage of private jet across the industry in the future.

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