
The ACJ320neo is Redefining Corporate Jet Interiors

A full master bedroom suite. A marble sink. Original artwork. No, we’re not talking about an upscale apartment in Manhattan — we’re talking about the ACJ320neo: the new gold standard for luxury flying. Opulent, spacious, grandiose, and breathtaking are just a few of the words you might use to describe this recommissioned Airbus A320. To really do it justice, you might just have to stand there, mouth agape, taking it all in. Words simply don’t do it justice.

With great power comes great luxury

The world is getting smaller every day. High-powered executives and heads of state are expected to travel enormous distances in the blink of an eye. Of course, the world doesn’t stop turning because you’re in transit. These same people need to stay on the job or recharge their batteries while heading from point A to point B. That’s the problem Acropolis Aviation will address with the G-KELT, their first completed ACJ320neo, a line of opulent recommissioned commercial aircraft.

The ACJ320neo is designed to be all things to all travelers: fully equipped office, luxury suite, first-class restaurant, and home away from home. To make it happen, designers implemented some exciting technological updates to match an interior that’s fit for royalty.

If Buckingham palace could fly

When perusing the features onboard the ACJ320neo, it’s impossible not to think you’ve stepped into the future. Keeping your mouth from watering is also a bit difficult.

  • Flowing design: The cabin of the ACJ320neo is designed to emulate flowing sand dunes and rivers. The result is a relaxing space that’s perfect for catching up on your sleep.
  • The NEO effect: The “neo” tag on this beasts’ name is more than just slick marketing. It means the ACJ320neo sports 15% less fuel burn, 15% less cabin altitude, and the ability to fly more than 1,700 nautical miles farther than a traditional A320.
  • Flawless connection: To help you keep in touch, the ACJ320neo comes equipped with high-speed Internet access.
  • Stand tall: With the industry’s widest and tallest interior, the ACJ320neo boasts 15% more cabin volume than the closest competitor.
  • Go anywhere: The ACJ320neo is capable of a 6,000-mile flight in one jump. That’s the equivalent of flying from London to Beijing in a single trip.

With the ACJ320neo, you won’t miss a single creature comfort while you’re traveling. Indeed, you might miss some of the ACJ320neo’s amenities while you’re home!


A grand tradition

The ACJ320neo is the latest Airbus to raise the bar on spacious private jets. It’s a competition that major commercial manufacturers have waged for years.

Sometimes it’s for a specific customer. Saudi Arabia’s Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal owns two luxury jets. The first is a refitted 747. The second is a Custom Airbus A380 that totaled $500 million by the time they finished the concert hall and Turkish bath.

Other times, aircraft are created for specific purposes. Take the world’s most expensive private jet: Air Force One, which cost approximately $660 million. Of course, Air Force One’s budget focuses less on solid-gold fixtures (like those found in the Sultan of Brunei’s plane) and more on being able to survive a nuclear blast.

Fly the Custom Skies

More than anything, the ACJ320neo proves there is more ground to be broken in the world of private flight. With bold new entries like Acropolis Aviation’s G-KELT, the ripple of innovation will be felt at every echelon of the personal aircraft industry.

The expert jet brokers at L & L International are here to help you acquire the perfect jet. Need to sell your jet? We can assist with that, too. Contact the private aviation professionals online, at, or at +1 (305) 754-3313.

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